Haven't been playing that much Warmachine this summer (due to my relapse into Magic) but a Steamroller tournament is coming up this weekend that I will participate in.
I don't think I've played with Siege at 50pts before but I saw in the Cygnar forums that ChainAttackJay has been playing a pretty good Siege list, so I wanted to give it a try. My friend Viktor (Mindless on PP's forums) wanted to play a game with "Claws of the Dragon" tier list, and I couldn't pass up the opportunity to blow up some pikemens... but I wasn't quite prepared to face 30 of them...
These are the lists we're playing with today.
Major Markus 'Siege' Brisbane (*5pts)
* Stormwall (19pts)
* Squire (2pts)
Arcane Tempest Gun Mages (Leader and 5 Grunts) (6pts)
* Arcane Tempest Gun Mage Officer (2pts)
Greygore Boomhowler & Co. (Boomhowler and 9 Grunts) (9pts)
* Captain Jonas Murdoch (2pts)
Rangers (5pts)
Eiryss, Angel of Retribution (3pts)
Journeyman Warcaster (3pts)
Reinholdt, Gobber Speculator (1pts)
Stormsmith Stormcaller (1pts)
Stormsmith Stormcaller (1pts)
Stormsmith Stormcaller (1pts)
Tier 4 - Claws of the Dragon
The Butcher of Khardov (*6pts)
* Devastator (9pts)
* Devastator (9pts)
* War dog (1pts)
Great Bears of Gallowswood (5pts)
Iron Fang Pikemen (Leader and 9 Grunts) (8pts)
* Black Dragon Officer & Standard (0pts)
Iron Fang Pikemen (Leader and 9 Grunts) (8pts)
* Black Dragon Officer & Standard (2pts)
Iron Fang Pikemen (Leader and 9 Grunts) (8pts)
* Black Dragon Officer & Standard (2pts)
Iron Fang Kovnik (2pts)
Iron Fang Kovnik (2pts)
Setup |
We played the scenario - Process of Elimination. Khador won the roll and choose to setup first, I got to choose which side I wanted. He placed Butcher in the center with his two Warjacks (note that he is playing two Devastators, but forgot one model at home, so the Destroys is a proxy in this game). Two units of Pikemen took the front and the third got put behind as a second wave.
I placed Storwall a bit behind the front line so I could place some Boomhowlers in front of him. ATGM got the right flank. Rangers got placed near the Boomies to help them with their RAT and Eiryss got placed behind the wall in the center.
Khador - Turn 1 |
All the Pikemen got advance move before the game started. Butcher allocated one focus each to the jacks and ran them across the table. Pikemens also ran as far as possible, the unit to my left got their mini feat "Iron Zeal". Butcher moved up and cast "Iron Flesh" on the unit to my right. The rest of his army moved up behind the main force. Two thumbs up for the extreme speed of Khador!
Cygnar - Turn 1 |
Boomhowlers ran forward and "Called of Defiance" for extra tough. Rangers moved slightly forward on the flank. Eiryss shot a pikeman with Iron Flesh to remove it and then the Gun Mages moved up and took some shots and killed 5 more. Stormwall didn't get any focus, so it moved forward and killed 2 Pikemen to the left with "Iron Zeal", then placed covering fire and a pod in front. Siege moved up and placed a "Foxhole" to give himself, Eyriss and some Gun Mages cover (didn't place a template for the picture). Journeyman cast "Arcane Shield" on the Stormwall.
Khador - Turn 2 |
Devastators got one focus each this time as well and ran forward. Butcher didn't upkeep any spells, and the Pikemen to the right got in Shield Wall formation and used "Iron Zeal" for extra armor. Pikemen to the left advanced in Shield Wall and killed two trolls who failed their tough rolls, they later got Iron Flesh cast on them. The last unit of Pikemen advanced and got Fury cast on them. Butcher moved up behind the wall. Great Bears and Kovinks slowly advanced forward, I think they also used "Shield March" on one unit of Pikemens.
Cygnar - Turn 2 |
A mistake was made here and on my next turn. We both forgot Eyriss "Arcane Interference", so I shouldn't be able to allocate focus to the Stormwall, but I did so anyway...
Eyriss activated and removed Iron Flesh once again from the Pikemen. Boomies got Assault order and charged forward killing some pikemen to my left. Stormwall got 2 focus and shot the objective, but poor damage roll only did 7 damage in total. Stormcallers disrupted both Devastators and Gun Mages tried to Thunderbolt (and knockdown) one Devastator but didn't get any crits. Journeyman swapped Arcane Shield to Siege instead. Siege moved up and cast another Foxhole on himself and the Gun Mages (not in the picture this time either). Rangers just moved around a bit, one still locked into combat with two pikemens.
Khador - Turn 3 |
Butcher didn't upkeep any spells, but cast "Full Throttle" on his jacks, "Fury" on the Pikemen and I think "Iron Flesh" on himself. Devastators charged forward and used their Rain of Death thingy. The first one did some damage to Stormwall but left Eiryss with one wound. The other one killed a few trolls and one or two pikemens. The Pikemen on the right flank ran into combat with the Gun Mages and so did two of the Great Bears. The Pikemens in the far back advanced in Shield Wall and destroyed the objective, scoring a point for Khador.
Cygnar - Turn 3 |
Stormwall got 2 focus (as I said before we forgot about Eiryss). Reinholdt activated first and reloaded Siege who then activated and popped his feat before placing two Ground Pounder attacks killing some pikemen, wardog, kovnik and wounded two Great Bears (who both made their tough rolls). Stormwall killed the Devastator in melee. Boomhowlers killed a pikeman and did some damage to the other Devastator.
Khador - Turn 4 |
Now we remembered Eyriss rules, but we didn't really have time to redo the game since we were a bit short on time. Any how... Butcher cast Fury on the Great Bears and popped his feat, he also tried to kill a Stormcaller with his blunderbuss but missed. His pikemen activated first and charged both Siege and Stormwall. He destroyed the left side of the Stormwall but missed his attacks on Siege. Great Bears activated and went for the kill on Siege. His first attack was 1+1, miss. Backswing 1+1, miss. Second Great Bear first attack 1+1, miss. Backswing hit and did 13 wounds on Siege. The rest of the pikemens and Devastator killed the Boomhowlers and controlled the zone for another point for Khador.
Cygnar - Turn 4 |
This turn Stormwall didn't get any focus because of Eiryss. Gun Mages and Stormcallers managed to kill the Great Bears in combat with Siege. Stormwall moved so he could place his big toe in the control zone to contest but didn't manage to do anything else. Eiryss followed Stormwall and tried to shoot Butcher with "Iron Flesh" but missed. Ranges ran up the left flank and Siege got reloaded by Reinholdt before using his Ground Pounder to kill some more pikemens and the other Konvik. He also camped all his focus and kept Arcane Shield, leaving him with 26 ARM for the turn.
Khador - Turn 5 |
Pikemen killed Eiryss, a Gun Mage and did some more damage to the Stormwall. Butcher moved into the left control zone, gave himself Iron Flesh once again and camped the rest. Devastator did some more damage to the Stormwall. We had like 5 minutes of time left before he had to be at work, so we were rushing our game at this point.
Cygnar - Turn 5 |
Stormwall got 1 focus and used sweep with his right arm to clear away some pikemens. Then I just tried to shoot Butcher with Siege and the Gun Mages but only did about 7 wound on him. Due to the extreme lack of time I didn't screen Siege.
Khador - Turn 6 |
Short turn. Butcher charged and killed Siege with one swing.
I think I maybe played with Siege at 50pts once. He is a good solid caster as proven by other players and I think ChainAttackJay's list is really solid. As I don't intend to use Black 13th in any other list I will swap out Jonas Murdock and two Stormcallers for them, just as he did. I got caught off guard when he cast "Full Throttle" and charged with his Devastators, I thought my Disrupt would prevent them from getting into combat. Also my (miss)placement of Eiryss was really stupid, in the future I will keep her far away from the Stormwall. I also need to screen Siege better from threats such as the Great Bears, I only got lucky when he rolled 3 snake eyes. Hopefully we'll have more time when I do the next battle report for you guys.