Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Got my Vallejo paint yesterday and finished the last details on my Stormclad. I also got my quick-shade colors, so it'll be fun to see how the rest of my army will end up looking. 

I must say I'm really fond of the Stormclad. Probably Cygnars best non-character Warjack. High damage output, pretty solid defence and he can interact with my Stormblade unit really well. So far I think he is in every list I've made.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

All your base...

Some kind of painting update. It's been a slow couple of weeks for my painting part of the blog. My friend Viktor helped me with airbrushing a base coat on my most recent models. But the only thing I've been painting so far are the bases that we ordered last month. 

However I started yesterday with my Stormclad. Which is almost done. I have washed him, but I still need to highlight the blue areas, and I need to paint the flag. I hope my old yellow paints are still viable... or else I need to order some. 

And talking about order. My gaming club recently bought models for about $800 from Discount gaming. Soon Khador and Cryx will not be my only opponents. Circle, Menoth and two Legion forces are on the rise. 

Friday, October 26, 2012

Cygnar vs Khador (Siege vs pButcher) 35pts

I promise I will try and give you some battle reports that isn't against Khador, but right now he is the only one with both a "big" army and time, so bare with me. The rest of my gaming club have placed their orders, so soon I'll be playing against Menoth, Circle and Legion(x2) just as much.

We rolled for scenario and got Bunker from the Steamroller 2012 scenarios. To win, you need to cap the control area on your opponents side while preventing him from capping the one on your side. Each cap gives 1 point, and you need 2 points to win... or caster kill.

I choose to play with 'Siege'. I've never played with him before, all I knew was that he wanted a Defender in his group and a Hunter/Charger. I don't want to proxy I ended up with a Charger. And the only infantry I got in my possession is the "Stromblob". Anyway, these are the lists we ended up playing.

Major Markus 'Siege' Brisbane (*5pts)
* Charger (4pts)
* Defender (9pts)
Black 13th Gun Mage Strike Team (4pts)
Stormblade Infantry (Leader and 5 Grunts) (5pts)
* Stormblade Infantry Officer & Standard (3pts)
* * Stormclad (10pts)
* 3 Stormblade Infantry Storm Gunner (3pts)
Captain Arlan Strangewayes (2pts)

Points: 35/35

The Butcher of Khardov (*6pts)
* Black Ivan (10pts)
* Demolisher (9pts)
* Sylys Wyshnalyrr, the Seeker (2pts)
Greylord Ternion (Leader and 2 Grunts) (4pts)
Iron Fang Pikemen (Leader and 9 Grunts) (8pts)
* Black Dragon Officer & Standard (2pts)
Widowmakers (Leader and 3 Grunts) (4pts)
Widowmaker Marksman (2pts)
Points: 35/35


Khador won the roll and choose to start. The deployment was 28" from left to right and a standard 10" in. The scenario is meant to be played with reinforcements but we skipped those. Khador need to cap the red area on the left, and Cygnar the blue on the right.

Everything deployed pretty much in the middle. The Widowmakers got to advance deploy and wanted the wall for cover to prevent me from capping the point. And wanted to do something similar with Siege and his battle group. 

Khador - Turn 1

Each Jack got a focus and ran. So did the Pikemen and the Widowmakers. Butcher moved up behind his Pikemen and cast Iron Flesh (+3 DEF -1 SPD) on them.

Cygnar - Turn 1

Siege gave one focus to the Charger and Defender. The Warjacks ran across the board. Stormblades being afraid of the Widowmakers kept in the center of the board. B13 cast a Mage Storm but the deviation made the storm fall really, really short. Siege moved up with his battle group and gave himself a Fox Hole (immune to blasts). Arlan gave 'Evasive Action' to the Stormclad before it ran.

Khador - Turn 2

Butcher gave 2 focus to both Ivan and the Demolisher, while Sylys kept Iron Flesh on the Pikemen. The Pikemen advanced and orders a Shield Wall formation, and used their 'Iron Zeal' ability (+4 ARM), leaving them with a total of ARM 22. Greylords advanced on the flank and cast 'Ice Cage' (-2 DEF) on my Stormclad. 

The  Widowmakers shot at the Stormclad and caused 3 wounds, two shots missed which made it possible for the Stormclad to move up 4" due to 'Evasive Action'. Then the Demolisher shot a boosted shot at Stormclad and crippled his sword arm. Black Ivan also moved up and boosted a shot which caused a ton of damage, leaving the Stormclad with crippled right arm, leg and cortex. 

Butcher moved up and camped 2 focus. 

Cygnar - Turn 2

I wanted to try a assassination on Butcher this turn. Siege gave 2 focus to the Defender before he moved up and used his feat. Siege cast a Fox Hole on the pikemen to prevent them from blocking line of sight to Butcher. I took a boosted shot with his Rocket Cannon and caused 12 wounds on a single hit. Then the Defender moved up and took a boosted shot causing 4 more wounds, but it wasn't enough to kill him. 

I didn't really know how to keep Siege safe for the next turn, so B13 moved up and shot at the Pikemen. They didn't manage to kill anyone, but the Mage Storm missed and deviated perfect in front of Siege. The Stormblades moved up and took some shots and the pikemen, but didn't manage to hit them. 

The Stormclad backed up and Arlan moved up to repair him. I managed to roll a six on the repair and got back my crippled systems. 

Khador - Turn 3

Butcher gave Black Ivan 2 focus this turn before he moved into the forest, gave him self Iron Flesh and used his feat. Black Ivan advanced and shot at the Charger causing 16 wounds on it. Then the Pikemen charged the Charger and killed it with with two attacks. Four of the Pikemen were now in range of Siege and tried their best to wound him, but they only caused 4 wounds on him. Two Pikmen also charged the Stormblades and killed two Stormgunners.

The Demolisher advanced and shot at the Stormclad, but missed both shots. The Widormakers also shot at the Stormclad and caused 4 wounds on it and crippled the cortex once again. The Greylords and Sylys only moved this turn. 

Cygnar - Turn 3

Siege camped all of his focus this turn and moved into combat with the Pikemen and killed one. The Defender tried to help Siege but missed with his hammer. B13 was more successful when a Mage Storm was cast and killed 4 pikemen, and another was killed with the help of a 'Black Penny' shot. 

Stormblades moved into combat with the Pikemen, and one Stormblade moved towards the Stormclad (to help it activate) and one moved closer to Butcher. Arlan then repaired the Stormclad once again giving back the cortex to the jack. Then the Stormclad activated and moved towards Butcher and shot with his Generator Blast at the Stormblade hoping for a Electro Leap to kill Butcher. But the dices wanted the fight to continue as I only caused 2 wounds on Butcher, leaving him with 2 wounds left. 

Khador - Turn 4
Butcher gave 2 focus to Black Ivan and kept the rest. The Greylords activated first and cast Ice Cage on Siege, leaving him with DEF 10. Then the Pikemen moved into striking range of Siege and the first hit caused critical knock down and a few wounds in total (Siege had camped all his focus, so he had ARM 23)

Black Ivan activated and shot Siege causing a few more wounds, but he was still alive with 9 boxes. Sylys gave Butcher 'Arcane Secrets' before Butcher moved up and cast Obliteration on Siege, but poor dice rolls didn't cause any damage to Siege. 

Widowmakers killed Arlan and the Demolisher only manged to kill the Stormblade hiding behind the Stormclad. 

Cygnar - Turn 4

Siege gave 2 focus to the Defender and kept the rest. B13 killed the Pikemen still in combat. Both Siege and the Defender tried to shoot Butcher but both missed. The Stormblades charged Butcher and finally killed him with some good dice rolls. 


I was planning on getting the objective with my Storm-nouns, but I forgot how much damage the Widowmakers can put out. Also the Demolisher boosted attacks was really scary. So I didn't want to advance towards my objective, instead I wanted to try and kill his caster. 

The unit that won me this game was the Black 13th. With out my lucky Mage Storm deviation Siege would have died to a full unit of Pikemen charging him under Butchers feat. 

I played high-risk-high-reward play, and it payed out for me. Don't know if I really like this list. I would've preferred to play with regular ATGM and perhaps some Sword Knights and different Warjacks.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Cygnar vs Circle (pStryker vs pKaya) 25pts

I told two of my long time Warhammer buddies about Warmachine and Hordes, and convinced them to buy the Horde 2-player Starter box, and they did. One of my friends being a huge fan of the Wood Elf theme and play style went for the Circle Orboros crew, and even bought a few extra models to reach 25 points from the start.

This is his first time playing against any Warmachine faction, as he has only played a few games against the Legion starter kit. This are the armies we are playing with today;

Commander Coleman Stryker (*6pts)
* Lancer (6pts)
* Ironclad (7pts)
* Squire (2pts)
Black 13th Gun Mage Strike Team (4pts)
Stormblade Infantry (Leader and 5 Grunts) (5pts)
Journeyman Warcaster (3pts)
* Charger (4pts)

Points: 25/25

Kaya the Wildborne (*6pts)
* Argus (4pts)
* Winter Argus (5pts)
* Feral Warpwolf (9pts)
Shifting Stones (2pts)
* Stone keeper (1pts)
Warpborn Skinwalkers (Leader and 4 Grunts) (8pts)
Blackclad Wayfarer (2pts)

Points: 25/25


No scenario as I want my friend to get familiar with the game and models. He won the roll and wanted to go first. He placed his army pretty much in the middle (and later advanced deployed his stones in the ruin on the left). I choose to meet him in the middle while the Charger went for a flank. B13 just wanted to quickly get into the cover of the forest.

Turn 1

I forgot to take a picture after Circle turn 1, so this is at the end of Cygnar turn 1.

Cirlce pretty much ran forward. All the two-headed dogs were forced to run, and the Feral simple generated a Fury for Kaya to leach later. Kaya advanced behind the Warpborns and cast Occulation on them (giving them Stealth for a turn).

Stryker kept all of his focus and Journeyman gave his 3 to the Charger. The Charger moved up and got in range to shoot at the Winter Argus. Two boosted shots later and I had crippled its mind (the one that gives one less die to attack rolls). Stryker gave Arcane Shield to the Stormblades and moved up behind the Ironclad. The Lancer advanced, and B13 threw out a Mage Storm that fell short and scattered towards the Warpborns.

Circle - Turn 2

Kaya leeched to full Fury and healed her Winter Argus so it could recover some of its "mind boxes". Warpborn advanced around the Mage Storm. The Argus moved towards the Winter Argus and cast his Animus (giving path finding to the Winter Argus). Then the Winter Argus moved into the woods where the B13 where hiding, and even though he boosted his hits he only manged to kill one (Ryan).

Finally the Stones and Blackclad moved up. Here a mistake was made. He thought that the Stonekeeper granted Stealth to any model/unit within the stone formation. And Blackclad will pay the price as you will see.

Cygnar - Turn 2

Stryker kept Arcane Shield on the Stormblades and kept the rest of the focus on himself (he also took a focus from the Squire this turn). Journeyman once again gave his 3 focus to the Charger. B13 shot with Brutal Shots on the Winter Argus and almost killed it. The Charger finished the job with a boosted hit, and he also took a shot at Blackclad who was just in reach of his cannon and killed him as well.

The Lancer moved up a few inches and the Ironclad followed behind. 3 of the Stormblades shot with their glaives on the Warpborn and managed to kill one. Stryker cast Earthquake on the Feral Warpwolf knocking him down, and a Warpborn as well. Then I used the feat for the +5 ARM as I was expecting a charge from Circle the next turn.

Circle - Turn 3

Can you say fallback? Every model either ran or advanced away from Cygnar army. Nothing else of importance happened.

Cygnar - Turn 3

Stryker kept all the focus for himself this turn and the Charger got 3 from the Journeyman. The Lancer and Ironclad advanced. Stryker cast another Earthquake on the Feral, knocking him over. And he cast Snipe on the Stormblades.

The Stormblades advanced and shot at the Feral, but only hit with one, and hardly any damage was done. B13 advanced and cast a Mage Storm at the Warpborn, but they missed and the deviation just moved an inch towards Kaya and caused a few wounds to every one hit.  The Charger only had a Warpborn in sight so a boosted shot killed it.

Circle - Turn 4

Time for the Assassination run from Kaya. With nothing to loose he sat his plan into action. Kaya leeched to 6 fury. Warpborns charged both the Ironclad and the Lancer, but didn't inflict any damage. The Feral moved into combat after standing up, so he couldn't do any damage this turn. Then the Argus came.

He tried a boosted Doppler Bark at the Ironclad/Stryker/Squire, but due to poor dice rolls he only manged to paralyze the Squire. Then Kaya activated and cast Spirit Door and moved 2" from her Argus and was within reach of Stryker. She bought a boosted attack but only managed to cause a few wounds. Then she used her feat and got another 6 Fury from her beasts. But the dice rolls wasn't in his favor and he only manged to cause a bout 8 wounds in total on Stryker.

(I now know that this is not how Spirit Door works, as you can't make attacks after "teleporting". Think this was a MKI thing. But it was just a friendly game, so what ever)

Cygnar - Turn 4

Stryker kept his focus and took one extra from the Squire. He used all his focus to try and kill Kaya, but after he was done she still had 2 wounds left. So the B13 moved in and shot Black Penny (to ignore melee penalty) and just barley got enough to kill her.


A few mistakes because I don't fully know all the rules for Hordes and Kaya. But in the end I felt like this is a bad match up for Circle. Nothing that can shoot or cause damage from afar, and only one really hard hitter with the Feral Warpwolf. I think Circle can be a really dangerous opponent with another list or just a few different units/beasts.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Cygnar vs Khador (pStryker vs Harkevich) Battle Report

After my Warjacks finally arrived I really wanted to test them, so I challenged my Khador playing friend for a 50 points "Close Quarter" Scenario. I've only played 50 points one time before, and that was with a lot of proxy models (which I really hate), but this time I had 99% of the models I needed. The only thing I want to change in this list is the Light Warjack. I want to play with a Hunter, but as I still don't own one I went for the Charger instead.

Anyway, this were the list we were playing with.

Commander Coleman Stryker (*6pts)
* Centurion (9pts)
* Ol' Rowdy (9pts)
* Squire (2pts)
Black 13th Gun Mage Strike Team (4pts)
Stormblade Infantry (Leader and 5 Grunts) (5pts)
* Stormblade Infantry Officer & Standard (3pts)
* * Stormclad (10pts)
* 3 Stormblade Infantry Storm Gunner (3pts)
Captain Arlan Strangewayes (2pts)
Journeyman Warcaster (3pts)
* Charger (4pts)
Rhupert Carvolo, Piper of Ord (2pts)

Points: 50/50

Kommander Harkevich, the Iron Wolf (*5pts)
* Black Ivan (10pts)
* Conquest (19pts)
* War dog (1pts)
Battle Mechaniks (Leader and 5 Grunts) (3pts)
Iron Fang Pikemen (Leader and 9 Grunts) (8pts)
* Black Dragon Officer & Standard (2pts)
Widowmakers (Leader and 3 Grunts) (4pts)
Eiryss, Angel of Retribution (3pts)
Ogrun Bokur (3pts)
Widowmaker Marksman (2pts)
Points: 50/50


The scenario we're playing it the Steamroller Close Quarter. At the end of each player’s turn, starting on the second player’s second turn, a player earns 1 control point by controlling the zone on his opponent’s side of the board while his warcaster or warlock is within a zone.The first player to earn at least 3 control points and have more control points than the opponent wins the game.

I won the roll and got the first turn/setup. My plan was to hold the point closest to me with Stryker and his Jacks, and keep the B13 close to shoot anything that wanted to engage them. I wanted my Storm-nouns to move up and claim the other point with the help of my Journeyman and his Charger. I didn't really have a way to destroy a Conquest with a full unit och Battle Mechanics in his rear, so my plan was to just ignore him as he can't be at two control points at same time.

Cygnar - Turn 1

Everything ran or moved up the board. Stryker cast Arcane Shield on the Centurion and Blur on  B13 and my Journeyman cast Arcane Shield on the Stormblades. Rhupert gave the Stormblades Fearless/Tough.

Khador - Turn 1

Khador started to move towards the middle of the battlefield. Harkevich cast Fortune and Escort. Black Dragons only advanced to keep shield wall formation. Conquest took a shot against the Stormblades but missed, and so he lay down a Creeping Barrage in front of him. The Widowmakers shot the at the Stormblades but didn't manage to penetrate their high armor. The Marksman did however cause a wound but I rolled for Tough and he survived.

Cygnar - Turn 2

Stryker kept Arcane Shield on the Centurion but removed Blur, gave a single Focus to the Centurion so it could run into the control point with Ol' Rowdy. B13 took some shots at the Ogrun and did 5 wounds in total. The Stormblades advanced and tried to shoot the Widowmakers but missed. Rhupert once again gave them Fearless/Tough. Stormclad ran as fast as it could. Journeyman kept Arcane Shield on the Stormblades and advanced with the Charger who also tried to shoot the Widowmakers but missed.

Khador - Turn 2
Harkevich kept Fortune on the Conquest and gave him some focus (2 or 3, don't remember) and gave 1 focus to Black Ivan, then he cast Broadside and moved into the forest. The Widomakers once again tried to kill my Stormblades, but I rolled a 5 or 6 on every tough check this time. Same thing happened when Black Ivan shot them. The War Dog moved into the control point along with some of the Battle mechanics.

Conquest shot with his big gun at Ol' Rowdy and got a critical hit throwing the Centurion to the side and caused a few wounds on both Ol' Rowdy and Stryker. The Conquest also shot at the Stormblades with his small guns and did manage to get one killed as I failed my first tough roll. Black Dragons used their mini feat and ran forward. Ol' Rowdy got to counter charge and killed one. Eiryss and Ogrun moved up behind the pikemen.

Cygnar - Turn 3
Stryker kept Arcane Shield on the Centurion and gave 2 focus to Ol' Rowdy and 2 focus to the Centurion. Ol' Rowdy engaged the pikemen and killed 2. The Centurion missed with every attack (think I rolled three 1 with two boosted attack rolls). So to clear the point I also charged with Stryker who killed another 2 pikemen before using his feat. B13 moved up the flank and killed Ogrun Bokur, and caused a wound on the Black Dragon officer.

The Stormblades advanced a few inches, and my Stormgunners shot the Battle Mechanics killing them both. Journeyman had kept Arcane Shield on the Stormblades so he gave a single focus to the Charger who moved up and took a shot at Black Ivan causing 6 wounds. The Stormclad charged the Widowmakers killing the Marksman and two "grunts". Arlan ran go catch up with the Jacks.

Khador - Turn 3
Harkevich kept Fortune on the Conquest and gave him and Black Ivan some focus before casting Broadside. The remaining Black Dragons tried their best to penetrate the high armor of a Stryker-feat-round but couldn't. Conquest moved up and shot at Stryker and with everything managed to cause 6 wounds. Black Ivan shot and killed Rhupert. The remaining Battle Mechanics claimed the control point. Eiryss tried to stay clear of trouble. Same with the last of the Widowmakers.

Cygnar - Turn 4

Stryker kept Arcane Shield on the Centurion, but camped the rest of the focus. Another poor combat round for the Heavy Warjacks. The Centurion killed a single pikeman but Ol' Rowdy didn't. B13 took some shots in the melee but didn't kill anything. Stryker charged and killed a pikeman after buying both attack and boosts (in hindsight this was a really dumb move with Stryker).

Stormblades charged the Battle Mechanics, and with the assault order the killed the whole unit and the War Dog. Stormclad moved into combat with Harkevich, but the dices didn't want him dead as I rolled really bad and only caused about 4 wounds on him. Tried to kill the last Widowmaker with both Arlan and Journeyman but both missed.

Khador - Turn 4
Short turn. Harkevich cast Broadside on his battlegroup. Both the Conquest and Black Ivan shot everything they could at Stryker who was really out of position. A few rolls later he lay dead...


Can't really blame anything but myself on this loss. Don't know why I charged with Stryker instead of moving him back a bit. And the Stormblades should have just charged Black Ivan instead of killing of the Battle Mechanics, but for some unknown reason I really wanted to point. Should have been a clear win for me I believe.

All I can do is learn from my mistakes, paint my models and come back to the battlefield.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The arrival of the Warjacks

Finally my order arrived! 3 Heavy Warjacks and 3 Storm Gunners for my Stormblade unit. I still need to get hold of some magnets to be able to switch weapons on my plastic warjacks.. which is kind of the whole point with getting plastic-multi-part kits.

From the Ironclad/Defender/Cyclone kit I will most likely use the Defender when playing Siege or perhaps use him with Arlan. I already have an Ironclad so I won't be getting much use of his kit. I'm not so sure when I'll be able to use the Cyclone, but I can see him being use full with the ATGM. If you compare the Defender with the Cyclone it pretty obvious. Do you need to kill big heavy Warjacks/beasts, go for the Defender. Need do grind down huge units of infantry, go for the Cyclone.

The Avenger/Hammersmith/Centurion is a very interesting box. I want to try them all in different setups. The Avenger can wrack havoc with its huge know-down cannon. The Hammersmith with "Positive Charge" can do some impressive damage on the charge. And the Centurion with "Arcane Shield" can get ARM 24(!), pretty use full for holding points and being a pain in the ass.

The Stormgunners are pretty much a "must-have" attachment for the Stormblades, and maxing the unit is always a good choice if you have the points to spare. If you have access to the "Dead Eye" spell you can pretty much guarantee a full unit hit.

I will try them all out in the coming months, but I feel that I already know what kind of Jacks I want to play with. 

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Expanding my forces

So my last order have yet to arrive (I should be able to pick it up after work though), and I've already started to think on what I need text. I got every Heavy Warjack I want and need for the moment, I still need to get my hands on a Minuteman and a Hunter. But what my army really lacks is diversity among my units. So far I've only been able to field the Black 13th and a regular unit of Stormblades.

One unit I think Cygnar can't be without are the Arcane Tempest Gun Mages (or ATGM for short). Along with their UA, the Captain, they are the only regular unit with "True Sight". And if you play with their UA you can marshall a Warjack to the unit and give him the benefit of either Snipe, Critical Brutal Damage or Thunderbolt, which means they really love to have a Hunter/Defender/Cyclone/Avenger to tag a long with them.

There are so many things you can do with this unit, they can even replace the Black 13th in some cases. The only reason I still haven't bought them are for economical reasons. I will pick them up in my next order. They'll fit perfect in any list with Stryker or Seige (or any other caster for that matter).

The Sword Knights are another unit that I fell I must have in my army. For only 6 points you can get a full unit of 10 models with an ARM value of 14, and with the skill defensive line they can boost them selves to ARM 16 (throw in Arcane Shield for ARM 19). A really cheap unit that can act as a tarpit for a turn or two.

As for their offensive capabilities they have Flank [Faction Warjack], which basically gives them another dice when fighting along side a friendly Warjack. Pretty nice I you intend to play with a Centurion or Stormclad with reach.

The only thing I don't like about them is their UA. For 2 points I can always find something else to spend it on, a solo mercenary perhaps. Anyway I think two minimum units (6 models for 4 points) will suit me the best.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Cygnar vs Khador (pStryker vs Harkevich) Battle Report

Alright, so another game against my Khador playing friend. I've been on a real winning streak the last few games I've played, and it was a long time ago Khador got the better of me. This is a standard 25 points skirmish game without a scenario, just caster-kill. It will be my first time against Harkevich but I know he can bring some hard hitting bombardments.

This will probably be the last time I use pStryker as I've received both eStryker and Siege this week. My list have remained the same.

Commander Coleman Stryker (*6pts)
* Lancer (6pts)
* Ironclad (7pts)
* Squire (2pts)
Black 13th Gun Mage Strike Team (4pts)
Stormblade Infantry (Leader and 5 Grunts) (5pts)
Journeyman Warcaster (3pts)
* Charger (4pts)

Points: 25/25

The Khador list I will be playing against this game

Kommander Harkevich, the Iron Wolf (*5pts)
* Black Ivan (10pts)
* Destroyer (9pts)
Iron Fang Pikemen (Leader and 5 Grunts) (5pts)
* Black Dragon Officer & Standard (2pts)
Widowmakers (Leader and 3 Grunts) (4pts)

Points: 25/25


Khador won the roll and started to set up in the middle of the field with the Widowmakers in the forest thanks to advanced deployment. I put Stryker and Stormblades to meet up with his force, while the Lancer was put to the left flank. On the opposite side I let my Jr take the Charger around the forest in hope of getting him to split up his force.

Khador - Turn 1

Both Warjacks got a point of focus and ran straight forward. Pikemen just advanced to keep up their shield wall order. Widowmaker advanced a few inches, just enough to be able to shoot the next turn.

Cygnar - Turn 1

Lancer and Charger each got a single focus and ran. Ironclad moved up along with the Stormblades. Black 13th moved through the forest and the Journeyman followed the Charger a bit. Stryker followed the Ironclad and cast Arcane Shield on it and tried to kill the Widowmakers with Arcane Blast but failed. The big mistake here was that I forgot to move my Squire as you're about to see. Yeah, I forgot... I also cast Arcane Shield on the Stormblades with the Journeyman.

Khador - Turn 2

Destroyer got 2 focus and Black Ivan got 1. Iron Fang pikemen advanced and used their order: Iron Zeal. The Destroyer shot at the Charger and caused 5 boxes of damage to it. Black Ivan shot at the Stormblades, but a deviation caused the hit to reach the Squire, and he rolled just enough to kill it. First blood to Khador.

Cygnar - Turn 2

I only kept  Arcane Shield on the Ironclad (with Stryker). The Journeyman gave his three focus to the Charger who moved up and shot two times at the Destroyer causing about five or seven boxes. The B13 all shot at the Destroyer with brutal shots, but not a single wound was made. Stormblades advanced, same for Ironclad and Lancer. Stryker cast Earthquake at Black Ivan and knocked him down. I was supposed to feat this turn but I forgot.

Khador - Turn 3

Harkevich cast Broadside on his Jacks before he moved in to the forest. Both his Jacks shot at Stryker and caused 6 wounds in total. The Pikemen charged both the Lancer and Ironclad. The Lancer was unharmed but thanks to Precision Strike he destroyed the left arm (hammer) on my Ironclad. The Widowmakers came out of the forest and killed two Stormblades.

Cygnar - Turn 3

Dropped Arcane Shield from the Ironclad and gave 2 focus to the Lancer and 1 to the Ironclad. I tried to cast Earthquake at the Destroyer but missed, a lucky deviation did however cause both his Warjacks to fall over. The Charger once again got three focus and took 2 boosted shots at the Destroyer causing some more wounds, still not enough to cripple any systems. The B13 came out of the forest and shot some more brutal shots at the knocked down Destroyer causing about 2-3 more wounds. The Lancer and Ironclad did not roll very good in the melee, I only killed 2 even after spending 3 focus on extra attacks. The Stormblades joined the fight killing another 2 Pikemen.

Khador - Turn 4

Harkevich cast Jumpstart and Escort on his jacks and used his feat. His Destroyer charged my Charger but missed with every attack. Black Ivan charged the Stormblades and killed 2. The remaining Pikemen killed another Stormblade and did some more damage to the Ironclad. The Widomakers moved up and killed Watts from the B13.

Cygnar - Turn 4 

Stryker kept all focus for himself this time and the Journeyman gave 3 to the Charger. B13 killed three of the Widowmakers. The Charger got two really good hits on the Destroyers and crippled his axe. The Lancer killed a Pikeman but the Ironclad didn't. The last Stormblade killed a Pikeman, and finally Stryker moved into combat killing another Pikeman before casting Arcane Shield on himself and used his feat for some insane armor boost.

Khador - Turn 5

Harkevich gave 3 focus to Black Ivan and cast some spell (I don't remember which one) and moved away from the forest. Black Ivan dodged out of combat and shot Ryan in the head with his cannon. The last Widomaker missed his/her shot at Lynch. The Pikeman standard bearer moved in to block Stryker. The Destroyer tried to disengage to be able to shoot at the Charger, the free strike did however crippled his cannon.

Cygnar - Turn 5

Stryker gave a focus to the Lancer who ran up towards Harkevich. Lynch moved up and took a brutal shot against Harkevich causing a few wounds. Charger once again got 3 focus and moved to get a clear shot against Harkevich, 2 boosted shots later and he was dead.


The big mistake was of course to forget my to move my Squire, and forgetting to use my feat before getting charged in the face by the Pikemen. I don't really know if I did any other major mistake. Charger/Jr and B13 can really hold a flank by their own and be a real threat to my opponent. So far this force have proven it's worth time and time again. I really look forward to expand in both points and caster.

There are more people in my town that are picking up WarmaHordes. So maybe next time I can play against  something other than Khador and Cryx.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Siege and the Storm-nouns

I really hope my order will arrive soon. On wednesday we'll be playing again and I really want to try a list with Siege, and I don't want to proxy a bunch of warjacks when I'm gonna do a battle report. And by battle report I mean filming one for the first time and uploading it to youtube.

I'm a huge fan of Miniwargaming and their different "batraps", and Dan has been a huge influence on my choice of Cygnar, and I want to give their style of reporting a try. Don't know how it will end up, but you'll probably notice on my blog when it's uploaded.

Anyway, the list I'm planning on running with Siege is pretty much my average Storm-noun list for 25 points.(If my order is on time I'll most likely play a pStryker at a higher point, but we'll have to wait and see).

Casters: 1/1
Points: 25/25
Major Markus 'Siege' Brisbane (*5pts)
* Charger (4pts)
* Stormclad (10pts)
Stormblade Infantry (Leader and 5 Grunts) (5pts)
* Stormblade Infantry Officer & Standard (3pts)
* 3 Stormblade Infantry Storm Gunner (3pts)
Journeyman Warcaster (3pts)
Rhupert Carvolo, Piper of Ord (2pts)

I kind of regret that I didn't order Reinholdt this time. Siege could really use another shot with his awesome rocket cannon. The plan with this list i pretty simple. Try to keep the Stormblades alive with Arcane Shield and Mist of Dirge, get the assault with them and hopefully follow up with the Stormclad. Siege and the Charger will stay a few inches behind and hopefully shoot anything that tries and flank me. I should be able to afford 3 focus on the Charger atleast a turn or two if needed, the Stormclad can pick a focus from the Stormblades to help him advance, and Siege feat will be used to deliver the final blow to my enemy.

Well that's the plan atleast.