Tuesday, September 24, 2013

My Cygnar Army

Huh, it seems like I collected a pretty significant Cygnar force over the last year. And I almost painted every model I own, which is pretty unusual for me. I currently have a Hunter, Sentinel and Kraye on the painting table along with my newly started Minion force. But this is what I currently have in Cygnar that is painted.

Kara Sloan

Ol' Rowdy
Charger (2 of them)

Arcane Tempest Gun Mages + UA
Stormblade Infantry + UA + 3 Stormgunners
The Black 13th
Tempest Blazers

SolosAlan Strangeweys
Journeyman Warcaster
Trencher Master Gunner
Stormsmith Stormcaller (5 of them)

MercsGreygore Boomhowler & Co
Gorman di Wolfe
Rhupert Carlvaro

Theory Crafting with Horse Power

For my next tournament I will most likely pick up Kraye and try out his tier list. I'm a huge fan of running jacks, so both Kraye and Darius seems to be my kind of casters. Another thing I like about Kraye is that he can run a solid tier list without Stormwall. Don't get me wrong, I love our big guy and I rarely leave home without him, but sometimes you just wanna play with something else. The list I want to try out is this one.

Tier 4 - Mobile Strike Force
Captain Jeremiah Kraye (*6pts)
* Hunter (6pts)
* Hunter (6pts)
* Sentinel (4pts)
* Centurion (9pts)
* Cyclone (9pts)
* Stormclad (10pts)
Black 13th Gun Mage Strike Team (4pts)
Rangers (4pts)
Rangers (4pts)
I still need to buy another pack of Rangers, but the rest I already got. Hunters always work best in pairs, and with Krayes Guided Fire you only need to drop 1 focus for boosting damage. A single Hunter can do decent damage to a Heavy, but two are more likely to cripple a system before it can enter combat. The Sentinel is just there to give Kraye the much neede Shield Guard, and perhaps block a charge lane and in some rare cases it might even get a chance to clear some low armor infantry.

Stromclad is the beast heavy Cygnar got, and with Full Tilt and Krayes feat he can go on a really long assassination run. Centurion is there for much of the same reasons, or as a second heavy warjack for my opponent to deal with. Cyclone is my choice for clearing infantry, placing covering fire, and the odd chance of doing a double-handed throw. There is never a wrong choice to bring the Black 13th to handle flanks, using Mage Storm and just being one of the best units in the game. The only drawback of using them is that I can't use them in any other list I might bring to a tournament.

I'll try to get some games next week and see how well this list will work.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

FUSK Steamroller tournamnet battle reports

Emanuel is tries to find a way to kill pDenny

Me and two friends went to a Steamroller tournament this weekend. It was just a small one with 10 guys, all good friends. I didn't take that many pictures so this will just be another short recap of what happened in the games that I played in. 

Game 1 vs Circle

Morvahna the Autumnblade (*6pts)
* Gorax (4pts)
* Feral Warpwolf (9pts)
* Warpwolf Stalker (10pts)
* Woldwarden (9pts)
Shifting Stones (2pts)
Shifting Stones (2pts)
Tharn Bloodweavers (Leader and 5 Grunts) (5pts)
Warpborn Skinwalkers (Leader and 4 Grunts) (8pts)
* Warpborn Alpha (3pts)
Druid Wilder (2pts)
Gallows Grove (1pts)

I'm pretty sure this is the list he played with, I could be wrong with a point or two. His other list was basically the same one but with Moshar instead. The scenario was Close Quarter and I played with eNemo Tier 1 list. I feated on turn 2 but didn't get much out of it. I couldn't reach his heavies even though I used Energizer I was a few inches short on my charges. Instead I fell upon a wall of Skinwalkers and started bashing. On his turn he sent his Stalker on the Stormwall and got some insane dice rolls and did 54 boxes of damage, then the Feral did the killing blow and killed the Stormblade with even more insane rolls. Not much I could do at that point. He won by scenario since I couldn't send in any units to contest with him.

Game 2 vs Cygnar

Captain Allister Caine (*5pts)
* Ol' Rowdy (9pts)
* Sylys Wyshnalyrr, the Seeker (2pts)
Arcane Tempest Gun Mages (Leader and 5 Grunts) (6pts)
* Arcane Tempest Gun Mage Officer (2pts)
Greygore Boomhowler & Co. (Boomhowler and 9 Grunts) (9pts)
Horgenhold Forge Guard (Leader and 9 Grunts) (8pts)
Lady Aiyana & Master Holt (4pts)
Rangers (5pts)
Eiryss, Angel of Retribution (3pts)
Journeyman Warcaster (3pts)
Reinholdt, Gobber Speculator (1pts)
Stormsmith Stormcaller (1pts)
Taryn di la Rovissi (2pts)

My first game ever against my own faction. His other list was eStryker with Stormlances and some other stuff that I don't remember. I choose Siege since I wanted foxhole as protection from eCaine. The scenario was Incursion. We both deployed so that our Boomhowlers would have a slug fest at one control point. The middle flag was the one to go away so we had to split up our forces. I got an early point from the uncontested flag from the left where he didn't have any units except for his "super solos" and eCaine. For some reason I forgot about Taryn and her Shadow Fire, and I thought that Siege would be safe behind the Stormwall. He shot the Stormwall with Taryn and then went for the assassination with Siege. On his last shot with eCaine he got just enough damage to kill Siege.

Game 3 vs Cryx

Warwitch Deneghra (*5pts)
* Deathripper (4pts)
* Deathripper (4pts)
* Nightmare (10pts)
* Skarlock Thrall (2pts)
Bane Knights (Leader and 9 Grunts) (10pts)
Bane Thralls (Leader and 9 Grunts) (8pts)
* Bane Thrall Officer & Standard (3pts)
Bile Thralls (Leader and 5 Grunts) (5pts)
Bane Lord Tartarus (4pts)
Bloat Thrall (2pts)
Pistol Wraith (3pts)
Pistol Wraith (3pts)

He played with something like this. The list above is 53pts, and I could be wrong on something. The Scenario was Process of Elimination and I played with eNemo and my wall of warjacks. He ran forward with his units and cast Crippling Grasp on my Stormwall to prevent it from reaching his army. Instead I cast Polarity Shield on it and placed him in the zone to my left. On the other side I had the rest of my army, and my Chargers and Stormcallers killed a bunch of Bane Knights before they could wreck my jacks. I also got the Alpha Strike on the Nightmare and killed it. It turned out to a really long attrition game and he spent a lot of time bashing both my Stormwall and Centurion without doing any real damage even though he gave them -7 ARM during his feat turn. In the end he lost by death clock (I still had 16 minutes left on my clock).

Game 4 vs Legion

Rhyas, Sigil of Everblight (*6pts)
* Nephilim Soldier (5pts)
* Angelius (9pts)
* Scythean (9pts)
Blighted Nyss Grotesques (Leader and 9 Grunts) (6pts)
Blighted Nyss Swordsmen (Leader and 9 Grunts) (8pts)
* Blighted Nyss Swordsmen Abbot & Champion (3pts)
Blighted Ogrun Warspears (Leader and 4 Grunts) (8pts)
* Warspear Chieftan (2pts)
Blighted Nyss Shepherd (1pts)
Succubus (2pts)
Warmonger War Chief (3pts)

First time I faced Rhyas, Nephilim Soldier, Swordsmen, Grotesques and Ogruns... a lot of first time things here. Scenario was Destruction and I played Siege again. He ran his army very far due to Dash from Rhyas. I moved into the zone with the Boomhowlers and waited to get charged, and charge he did... with Rhyas feat. He got some swings on Stormwall which let him get to Siege and do some damage to him. I managed to clear away the threat from Siege and gave him Arcane Shield and played very defensively with him. On the next turn he got into combat with Siege with his flying units and got Siege down to 2 boxes of health. I used my feat and cleared away most of his army in one turn but Siege was still not safe. The next turn Rhyas saw her chance and charged (stupid acrobatics) straight trough Stormwall and into Siege. With 26 ARM he turned out to be a hard nut to crack as he only did 1 damage to Siege, leaving him with a single wound. Stormwall turned around and without a single focus he smashed a damaged Angelius with one fist and then hit Rhyas with the other and killed her with a single blow since she had no beasts left to transfer to.


It's really hard to play against a bunch of stuff you've never seen before. I did some really dumb mistakes in my two first games that cost me both games. I got to aggressive in the first game which cost me my Stormwall and Stormclad. And in the game against eCaine I could have just cast Foxhole and camped since the only way for him to kill Stormwall was with eCaines feat. Against Cryx I played pretty good and didn't do anything stupid and didn't give away anything for free and in my last game I just got lucky.

In my next tournament with Cygnar I'm planning on bringing Kraye with his tier list.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Siege vs Butcher3 (quick bat-reps)

My buddy Viktor got his hands on the limited Butcher model a few weeks ago. I haven't had the "pleasure" to play against him yet, but today I got my chance. I know he can remove tough and pull models towards him and use flashing blades to clear away a huge amount ofinfantry. Still I went with Siege in this match up, cus I need the practice.

I removed Jonas Murdoch and two Stormcallers to get enough points for the Black 13th unit. He played a somewhat different list. I know he will add eAlexia to his list, but until he gets her he plays with a Drakhun instead. The rest of his list is pretty standard Khador. Winter Guards, Black Dragon Pikemen, Widowmakers, Greylords, Greatbears, Bokus, Corbeau and some other solos.

In the first game we played Incursion. I started by running up my force and he did the same. The next turn I got a bit greedy with Siege and moved him a bit to far ut the table. I screened him pretty good with the Boomhowlers but it didn't help much. Corbeau and Energizer got Butcher really far up the board, and then he charged a troll and used his spell to pull models closer to him. He got into range of Siege and only needed three flashing blades to finish the job.

Second game we played Into the Breach, same lists. I went first once again and we both ran with our armies. I spent way to much time and unit to try and kill his Drakhun who was almost in combat with my Gun Mages. Trolls buildt a wall of tough in the control zone. As I played with Siege further back he went for scenario score instead. Butcher charged into the trolls and used his feat to make them flee, then proceeded by killing a bunch of them before using his feat and camping his focus. He had placed his Devastator next to Butcher, so I saw a small chance of getting the kill. Siege activated and cast Force Hammer to slam the Devastator into Butcher. Stormwall got a clear charge path and could finish the job.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Cygnar vs Khador (Siege vs pButcher tier 4) 50pts - Battle Report

Haven't been playing that much Warmachine this summer (due to my relapse into Magic) but a Steamroller tournament is coming up this weekend that I will participate in.

I don't think I've played with Siege at 50pts before but I saw in the Cygnar forums that ChainAttackJay has been playing a pretty good Siege list, so I wanted to give it a try. My friend Viktor (Mindless on PP's forums) wanted to play a game with "Claws of the Dragon" tier list, and I couldn't pass up the opportunity to blow up some pikemens... but I wasn't quite prepared to face 30 of them...

These are the lists we're playing with today.

Major Markus 'Siege' Brisbane (*5pts)
* Stormwall (19pts)
* Squire (2pts)
Arcane Tempest Gun Mages (Leader and 5 Grunts) (6pts)
* Arcane Tempest Gun Mage Officer (2pts)
Greygore Boomhowler & Co. (Boomhowler and 9 Grunts) (9pts)
* Captain Jonas Murdoch (2pts)
Rangers (5pts)
Eiryss, Angel of Retribution (3pts)
Journeyman Warcaster (3pts)
Reinholdt, Gobber Speculator (1pts)
Stormsmith Stormcaller (1pts)
Stormsmith Stormcaller (1pts)
Stormsmith Stormcaller (1pts)

Tier 4 - Claws of the Dragon
The Butcher of Khardov (*6pts)
* Devastator (9pts)
* Devastator (9pts)
* War dog (1pts)
Great Bears of Gallowswood (5pts)
Iron Fang Pikemen (Leader and 9 Grunts) (8pts)
* Black Dragon Officer & Standard (0pts)
Iron Fang Pikemen (Leader and 9 Grunts) (8pts)
* Black Dragon Officer & Standard (2pts)
Iron Fang Pikemen (Leader and 9 Grunts) (8pts)
* Black Dragon Officer & Standard (2pts)
Iron Fang Kovnik (2pts)
Iron Fang Kovnik (2pts)


We played the scenario - Process of Elimination. Khador won the roll and choose to setup first, I got to choose which side I wanted. He placed Butcher in the center with his two Warjacks (note that he is playing two Devastators, but forgot one model at home, so the Destroys is a proxy in this game). Two units of Pikemen took the front and the third got put behind as a second wave.

I placed Storwall a bit behind the front line so I could place some Boomhowlers in front of him. ATGM got the right flank. Rangers got placed near the Boomies to help them with their RAT and Eiryss got placed behind the wall in the center.

Khador - Turn 1

All the Pikemen got advance move before the game started. Butcher allocated one focus each to the jacks and ran them across the table. Pikemens also ran as far as possible, the unit to my left got their mini feat "Iron Zeal". Butcher moved up and cast "Iron Flesh" on the unit to my right. The rest of his army moved up behind the main force. Two thumbs up for the extreme speed of Khador!

Cygnar - Turn 1

Boomhowlers ran forward and "Called of Defiance" for extra tough. Rangers moved slightly forward on the flank. Eiryss shot a pikeman with Iron Flesh to remove it and then the Gun Mages moved up and took some shots and killed 5 more. Stormwall didn't get any focus, so it moved forward and killed 2 Pikemen to the left with "Iron Zeal", then placed covering fire and a pod in front. Siege moved up and placed a "Foxhole" to give himself, Eyriss and some Gun Mages cover (didn't place a template for the picture). Journeyman cast "Arcane Shield" on the Stormwall.

Khador - Turn 2

Devastators got one focus each this time as well and ran forward. Butcher didn't upkeep any spells, and the Pikemen to the right got in Shield Wall formation and used "Iron Zeal" for extra armor. Pikemen to the left advanced in Shield Wall and killed two trolls who failed their tough rolls, they later got Iron Flesh cast on them. The last unit of Pikemen advanced and got Fury cast on them. Butcher moved up behind the wall. Great Bears and Kovinks slowly advanced forward, I think they also used "Shield March" on one unit of Pikemens.

Cygnar - Turn 2
A mistake was made here and on my next turn. We both forgot Eyriss "Arcane Interference", so I shouldn't be able to allocate focus to the Stormwall, but I did so anyway...

Eyriss activated and removed Iron Flesh once again from the Pikemen. Boomies got Assault order and charged forward killing some pikemen to my left. Stormwall got 2 focus and shot the objective, but poor damage roll only did 7 damage in total. Stormcallers disrupted both Devastators and Gun Mages tried to Thunderbolt (and knockdown) one Devastator but didn't get any crits. Journeyman swapped Arcane Shield to Siege instead. Siege moved up and cast another Foxhole on himself and the Gun Mages (not in the picture this time either). Rangers just moved around a bit, one still locked into combat with two pikemens.

Khador - Turn 3

Butcher didn't upkeep any spells, but cast "Full Throttle" on his jacks, "Fury" on the Pikemen and I think "Iron Flesh" on himself. Devastators charged forward and used their Rain of Death thingy. The first one did some damage to Stormwall but left Eiryss with one wound. The other one killed a few trolls and one or two pikemens. The Pikemen on the right flank ran into combat with the Gun Mages and so did two of the Great Bears. The Pikemens in the far back advanced in Shield Wall and destroyed the objective, scoring a point for Khador.

Cygnar - Turn 3

Stormwall got 2 focus (as I said before we forgot about Eiryss). Reinholdt activated first and reloaded Siege who then activated and popped his feat before placing two Ground Pounder attacks killing some pikemen, wardog, kovnik and wounded two Great Bears (who both made their tough rolls). Stormwall killed the Devastator in melee. Boomhowlers killed a pikeman and did some damage to the other Devastator.

Khador - Turn 4

Now we remembered Eyriss rules, but we didn't really have time to redo the game since we were a bit short on time. Any how... Butcher cast Fury on the Great Bears and popped his feat, he also tried to kill a Stormcaller with his blunderbuss but missed. His pikemen activated first and charged both Siege and Stormwall. He destroyed the left side of the Stormwall but missed his attacks on Siege. Great Bears activated and went for the kill on Siege. His first attack was 1+1, miss. Backswing 1+1, miss. Second Great Bear first attack 1+1, miss. Backswing hit and did 13 wounds on Siege. The rest of the pikemens and Devastator killed the Boomhowlers and controlled the zone for another point for Khador.

Cygnar - Turn 4

This turn Stormwall didn't get any focus because of Eiryss. Gun Mages and Stormcallers managed to kill the Great Bears in combat with Siege. Stormwall moved so he could place his big toe in the control zone to contest but didn't manage to do anything else. Eiryss followed Stormwall and tried to shoot Butcher with "Iron Flesh" but missed. Ranges ran up the left flank and Siege got reloaded by Reinholdt before using his Ground Pounder to kill some more pikemens and the other Konvik. He also camped all his focus and kept Arcane Shield, leaving him with 26 ARM for the turn.

Khador - Turn 5

Pikemen killed Eiryss, a Gun Mage and did some more damage to the Stormwall. Butcher moved into the left control zone, gave himself Iron Flesh once again and camped the rest. Devastator did some more damage to the Stormwall. We had like 5 minutes of time left before he had to be at work, so we were rushing our game at this point.

Cygnar - Turn 5

Stormwall got 1 focus and used sweep with his right arm to clear away some pikemens. Then I just tried to shoot Butcher with Siege and the Gun Mages but only did about 7 wound on him. Due to the extreme lack of time I didn't screen Siege.

Khador - Turn 6

Short turn. Butcher charged and killed Siege with one swing.


I think I maybe played with Siege at 50pts once. He is a good solid caster as proven by other players and I think ChainAttackJay's list is really solid. As I don't intend to use Black 13th in any other list I will swap out Jonas Murdock and two Stormcallers for them, just as he did. I got caught off guard when he cast "Full Throttle" and charged with his Devastators, I thought my Disrupt would prevent them from getting into combat. Also my (miss)placement of Eiryss was really stupid, in the future I will keep her far away from the Stormwall. I also need to screen Siege better from threats such as the Great Bears, I only got lucky when he rolled 3 snake eyes. Hopefully we'll have more time when I do the next battle report for you guys.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Angry Fish Man


Borrowed some green paint from my friend Viktor and tried it out on Rask. Before I started with minions I was thinking of either painting them in dark "swampy/muddy" colors or really, really bright colors. So far my Barnabas battle group have been in dark color, but I thought it would be fun to try out something different for the fish man.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Gartors in Journeyman League

Done with my Battlegroup for the Journeyman League. Had the chance to play three games this week against some other players. Barnabas battlegroup is really, really strong with so low points. The fact that he brings two heavies and can himself dish out some pain is usefull. I'll give you guys a quick rundown of my three games.

First game was against Cygnar with pCaine, Hammersmith and Defender.

As this player was new to the game we didn't play with any scenario, a big perk for him as he could leave both Caine and his Defender far back and shoot me down. I started with protecting myself with Swamp Pits all over the place, but then he started to throw Thunderstrike on my heavies doing some damage to Barnabas. Finally I caught up with him and used Barnabas feat to knock him down and kill him.

Second game was against Menoth with pKreoss, Crusader, Repenter and Revenger

Got the alpha strike with my Wrastler on his Revenger when he moved him forward to arc a spell onto Barnabas. He then charged the Wrastler with his Crusader but didn't manage to kill it. Then I managed to grind and kill all of his Warjacks without loosing any beasts. Barnabas charged and killed Kreoss.

Third game was against Cryx with pAsphyxious, Leviathan and two bone-chickens

My turtle managed to get a pretty good hit on the Leviathan removing his movement so he couldn't charge. He still advanced and tried to kill my Wrastler but missed with two attacks and had to use his chicken to charge and kill it. Barnabas charged and killed the Leviathan and the chicken, the turtle then killed the other chicken. Not much he could to at this point as I could transfer any damage Barnabas took from Gaspy, so I charged and killed him.

Got myself a Bonesnapper and a Feralgeist for 15pts, and I've also placed an order for a Posse and Viktor Pendrake who will be part of my 25pts army.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Listbuilding for Steamroller

I'm attending another Steamroller Tournament the 22nd September. This time it will be a 50pts tournamnet, and I'm guessing 2-lists with Divide and Conquer, the informatin hasn't been posted yet so I can't say for sure. I'm currently building two lists that I can play and I'm trying to choose from eHaley, Siege, eNemo and Kara Sloan. The only caster that I haven't played that much with is Siege. I don't really know why, but I haven't found him that good when I started playing. But he has preformed well in tournaments around the world, so I kind of wanna give him another go. These are the army lists I have so far. Some of them have the same special characters, so I have to minor fixing to do.

Points: 50/50
Major Markus 'Siege' Brisbane (*5pts)
* Stormwall (19pts)
* Squire (2pts)
Arcane Tempest Gun Mages (Leader and 5 Grunts) (6pts)
* Arcane Tempest Gun Mage Officer (2pts)
* * Defender (9pts)
Rangers (5pts)
Captain Arlan Strangewayes (2pts)
Eiryss, Angel of Retribution (3pts)
Gorman di Wulfe, Rogue Alchemist (2pts)
Journeyman Warcaster (3pts)
Reinholdt, Gobber Speculator (1pts)
Stormsmith Stormcaller (1pts)

 Points: 50/50
Major Victoria Haley (*5pts)
* Lancer (6pts)
* Stormwall (19pts)
* Squire (2pts)
Storm Strider (9pts)
Black 13th Gun Mage Strike Team (4pts)
Tempest Blazers (Leader and 4 Grunts) (10pts)
Captain Arlan Strangewayes (2pts)
Journeyman Warcaster (3pts)

Points: 50/50
Tiers: 1
General Adept Nemo (*6pts)
* Charger (4pts)
* Charger (4pts)
* Centurion (9pts)
* Stormclad (10pts)
* Stormwall (19pts)
* Squire (2pts)
Journeyman Warcaster (3pts)
Stormsmith Stormcaller (1pts)
Stormsmith Stormcaller (1pts)
Stormsmith Stormcaller (1pts)
Stormsmith Stormcaller (1pts)
Stormsmith Stormcaller (1pts) 

Points: 50/50
Captain Kara Sloan (*6pts)
* Sentinel (4pts)
* Stormwall (19pts)
Arcane Tempest Gun Mages (Leader and 5 Grunts) (6pts)
* Arcane Tempest Gun Mage Officer (2pts)
Black 13th Gun Mage Strike Team (4pts)
Greygore Boomhowler & Co. (Boomhowler and 9 Grunts) (9pts)
* Captain Jonas Murdoch (2pts)
Rangers (5pts)
Journeyman Warcaster (3pts)
Reinholdt, Gobber Speculator (1pts)
Stormsmith Stormcaller (1pts) 

I'm pretty sure I want to field the Seige army as one of my two lists, which means I can't really go for Kara Sloan since Reinholdt really needs to be played with both casters. eHaley is always good to play with but I don't think she is a fun caster to play. Yes, she wins a lot of games with her feat, and I love to arc spells to screw with my opponent. eNemo on the other hand is really fun to play, and quite a skew list. There are a few lists who can't handle that many heavys on the board, and the feat turn is always a blast (pun intended).

As I'm writing this it feels more clear to me that I should run Siege/eNemo and leave the girls at home. My first plan was to play with a Tier 4 Kraye list, but I haven't got all the models for it yet and I haven't even painted Kraye. There are still at least one or two more tournaments this year that I'm going to with Cygnar, then I might give Gators a go.

Monday, August 26, 2013


Great news everyone! My LGS is starting a Journeyman League to bring in some new blood to our meta. I've long been thinking of starting up a Rhulic force since I've always had a soft spot for dwarfs, but since I already play with focus I aslo wanted to give the fury mechanic a go. So I ended up ordering the Blindwater Congregation battle box - Barnabas, Wrastler and Ironback.

I have really no clue what so ever how they play since no one in my area plays them, and I haven't even played against them. I've read about their "flying-gator-tactics" and their awesome Posse brick wall. Barnabas don't feel like the most versatile warlock, but he's probably a good place to start. I have my eyes on Rask, but I might as well try one of the more spell slinging warlocks in the end.

Well, it's still to early to decide on anything right now. I have my battle box and my first 15pts done. Expanding the force will be easy, just buy a bunch of gatormen and the few solos. This is the 35pts list that I'm aiming for;

Bloody Barnabas (*6pts)
* Bull Snapper (3pts)
* Blackhide Wrastler (9pts)
* Ironback Spitter (8pts)
Gatormen Posse (Leader and 4 Grunts) (9pts)
Gatormen Posse (Leader and 4 Grunts) (9pts)
Totem Hunter (3pts)


Samuel (in white shirt) and me playing at Metalstorm

Just wanted to let you know that this blog isnt't dead... just my laptop.

I haven't been playing that much Warmachine the last few weeks since I've (re)started playing Magic the Gathering. But don't worry, I have enough time and money to invest in both games. I've only been to one tournamnet this summer, a 50pts Steamroller event called "Metalstorm" that I helped organize.

I went for a eNemo tier 1 list and a regular pStryker list since I had both those already painted, and I didn't feel like playing with eHaley/Kara Sloan whom I had most succses with. I ended going 1-3 this tournamnet which is far from good, but I'll give you guys a quick rundown of the games.

First game vs. eVayl

I was paired against my friend Emanuel who plays a mean eVayl list (the standard JVM stuff). I wen't for my eNemo list. The scenario was "Process of Elimination". He had a hard time picking of my jacks since I had so many of them. I ended up killing a Ravagore for free and felt that I was close to victory, but... I forgot about the Angelius Animus, and in the end he pushed my left flank out of the control zone and score the final point he needed to win.

Second game vs. pKreoss

Next game was against another friend who played his first tournamnet. He brought Harbringer and pKreoss. I once again went for eNemo since pStryker wouldn't handle either of his casters. Scenario was "Close Quarter". He started the game with poor deployment which prevented his heavy jacks from advancing to a good position. In the end he left pKreoss, with 0 focus, in line of sight of my Stormwall. Two boosted shots ended upp killing him.

Thrid game vs. Saeryn

Don't remember the name of my opponent. I had never played against him before. He played almost the same list as the eVayl except a different caster. Scenario was "Into the Breach". On his feat turn he engaged all my warjacks and went for the attrition game. I still managed to shoot down most of his beast, but left one Angelius with a singel wound. On his next his Ravagroe destroyed my Stormwall with some insane dice rolls (mostly 5's and 6's), and his wounded Angelius charged and killed Nemo without problem.

Fourth game vs. Ossyan

Was forced to play my pStryker in this horrible matchup in the scneario "Incursion". I did managed to bait and counter charge eEiryss with Ol' Rowdy, but in the end I couldn't hide Stryker. He knocked him over by slamming his own troops into Stryker and then shooting the poor guy while he was knocked down.

In the end I had fun. I know I can play better and I have "better" lists to play for tournamnets, but I wanted to give both eNemo and pStryker a chance. I'm currently working on a Kraye list that I will play in my next Tournamnet in September.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Cygnar vs Khador (eHaley vs Vlad3) 50pts - Battle Report

My Khador playing friend recently bought Vlad3 and a bunch of Uhlans and wanted to give them a try. I said "Sure, but I'll bring the same eHaley force I used at the tournament"... he really hate to play against Haley. We're playing the "Supply and Demand" scenario from Steamroller 2013, and theses are the lists. 

Points: 50/50
Major Victoria Haley (*5pts)
* Lancer (6pts)
* Stormwall (19pts)
* Squire (2pts)
Storm Strider (9pts)
Black 13th Gun Mage Strike Team (4pts)
Tempest Blazers (Leader and 4 Grunts) (10pts)
Captain Arlan Strangewayes (2pts)
Journeyman Warcaster (3pts)

Points: 50/50
Tiers: 3
Vladimir Tzepesci, Great Prince of Umbrey (*5pts)
* Conquest (19pts)
* War dog (1pts)
Battle Mechaniks (Leader and 3 Grunts) (2pts)
* Battle Mechanik Officer (2pts)
Iron Fang Uhlans (Leader and 4 Grunts) (11pts)
Iron Fang Uhlans (Leader and 4 Grunts) (11pts)
Fenris (5pts)
Kovnik Markov (4pts)

The battlefield

Setup - Khador won the roll and choose to be player 1 and get the first turn of running. He deployed everything pretty much in the center and placed the mechanics behind Conquest, and finally decided to put Fenris on the flank to my left.

I choose to deploy Stormwall and B13 on one flank to handle a unit of Uhlans, and I thought that Tempest Blazers and Lancer could take care of the other unit. The Storm Strider got the middle to try and find an angel to electrocute the mechanics later in the game.

Round 1
Khador - Vlad cast "Infernal Machine" on Conquest and "Dash" before he moved forward. The Uhlans ran almost their full distance. He was a bit unsure when I would use the feat, so they stopped about halfway across the field. Conquest ran 16"(!!!) into the control zone. Mechanics followed behind. Fenris ran down the flank and hid behind a chest-high wall.

Cygnar - I gave Stormwall 3 focus because one of the Uhlans groups was well within firing range. eHaley cast "Temporal Acceleration" on the Stormwall and "Dead Eye" on the Blazers. Stormwall moved up and shot with his cannons, killing one Uhlan and wounding another. Tempest Blazers tried to shoot Fenris but only did 2-3 boxes of damage, the last Blazer instead shot and killed a Uhlan from the other unit. Lancer moved up behind the Blazers, and the Storm Strider moved a few inches forward. Journeyman Warcaster cast Arcane Shield on the Stormwall and then kept it on him the rest of the battle.

Round 2 
Khador - eHaley was within shooting range for the Conquest so he moved it forward and gave it a shot... and missed. Fenris and Uhlans on the flank charged the Blazers but not a single attack hit due to poor dice rolls, and my Blazers made their command check against the abomination Fenris. A single Uhlan from the second unit ran and engaged the Stormwall in melee, the rest of the unit prepared for a charge the following turn.

Cygnar - Stormwall got 4 Focus this turn. B13 shot and killed the engaging Uhlan giving the Stormwall a clear path to the Conquest. Blazers and Lancer killed a few of the Uhlans engaging them and Storm Strider managed to kill one. eHaley activated and cast Temporal Acceleration, moved up behind the Storm Strider and popped her feat... I did however kill box myself this turn giving Khador 2 free Control Points. The Stormwall then charged the Conquest and just did enough damage to destroy his left grid.

Round 3
Khador - Not much he could do this turn as Haleys feat prevented everyone except Vlad and the Mechanics from doing their full action/movement. Conquest did some damage to Stormwall, but not much. Fenris and the Uhlans that was still alive didn't manage to inflict any damage or kill any models this turn, once again thanks to poor dice rolls. Only one mechanic made his repair roll and repaired 2 boxes on Conquest.

Cygnar - Stormwall wrecked Conquest and electro leaps killed all the mechanics. Blazers and Storm Strider shot and killed Fenris, Markov and the few Uhlans that was still standing. eHaley moved forward just so she wouldn't be kill-boxed again (not that it would have made any difference). She was now camping 5 focus but perhaps she was within reach for Vlad.

Round 4
Khador - Vlad only had one option. Go for the assassination. He popped his feat and moved forward towards Haley. However one of his attacks missed the Stormwall (snake eyes) and he only had 5 focus when he came within reach of Haley. First boosted attack did 10 damage. Second attack did 2 damage. Third and final attack did... 2 damage. Haley was still standing with 1 box left. Khador forfeited the game.

In the end I killed 47pts of his army and he killed 0pts of mine. Victory for the Swans.

"Come at me bro"

Sunday, May 26, 2013

50pts Steamroller write up

I just arrived home from my first ever 50pts Steamroller tournament. I was a good and fun tournament and I got the chance to play a bunch of new (to me) players and armies. I had some real trouble to decide what lists I wanted to plays with. But in the end I ended up with the Haleys... yes, both the Prime and Epic version. This will just be a quick write up of my four games.

Game 1 - Supply & Demand

First game was against Erik who played Menoth with eFeora with 3 heavy jacks, Redeemer and a bunch of Zealots. I choose to play Epic Haley and this turned out to be a very intense game. I took 2 early control points by controlling the zone and destroying his objective. In the end it became a game of attrition. I had 4 control points and I had killed everything in his army except Feora, Holt and some Choir members. My clock was on 15 seconds during my last turn, and I didn't have time to kill the last few models he had in my zone so I lost on Death Clock.

Result: Lost by Death Clock

Game 2 - Close Quarter

My opponent was Johan who played Skorne with a Xerxis infantry block. A shit load of medium based units with 8 wounds each and with Marshall Discipline. I choose my pHaley list this time, as I didn't think I would have enough models otherwise to handle his list. He basically ran his entire army forward and started to dominate his flag right from the start. I did what I could to kill as much of his army as possible, but when he killed all my Stormblades and Storm Strider during his feat turn I knew I couldn't win. Instead I tried to kill as much as possible to at least score some points, but it was a crushing defeat.

Result: Lost by Scenario

Game 3 - Ammunition Run

My third game was against this hilarious guy called "Osten" (Swedish for The Cheese). He played a very non-cheesy pDenny list with Bane Knights, Bile Thralls and 5 light jacks and 1 Slayer. I played eHaley this game. I think he was a bit tired because he ran most of his Banes into the objective in the middle. My Stormwall shot and destroyed the objective (everything within 2" takes a POW 12) and killed 5 Banes and 2 Bile Thralls. With the help of eHaleys feat and Tempest Blazers I killed the rest of his infantry without trouble. In the end it turned into a slug fest with my Stormwall against the rest of his jacks. On one occasion my Stormwall got charged by 3 fully loaded jacks, but only suffered 5 damage. During my turn the Stormwall missed 6 attacks(!!!). In the end I took 5 control points with the Tempest Blazers.

Result: Won by Scenario

Game 4 - Incursion

My last game of the day was against another Menoth played called Björn. He played with an Amon list that contained a battle group made up of 4 Heavy Jack and 2 Light. It was however a very short game as I once again played with eHaley. I got the first turn and ran as far as possible. He did the same his turn, but left Amon with 0 focus and he didn't cover him with his jacks. I gave 3 Focus to the Stormwall and cast Temporal Acceleration. Three boosted shots and Amon was killed. Won by assassination in less than 4 minutes. Mage Hunter baby!

Result: Won by Assassination

Conclusion - I was really surprised on how well my eHaley list was. I didn't think that such low model count could do so much damage. But with both Tempest Blazers and B13 you can drop 9 Brutal Shots each turn, and that's a lot of damage. The Storm Strider was also very effective at killing both heavy targets and clearing infantry with electro leaps. I think this will be a crutch list that I'll play again. I just need to find a list that can cover it's weaknesses... I'm looking at you Caine.

Thursday, May 23, 2013


Got my Storm Strider painted for this weekends 50 points tournament. I'm still not 100% sure on which lists I should bring. I've been play testing with Kara Sloan, pHaley, eHaley and eNemo. Stormwall is almost auto-include in any list. But I want to field my latest toy - the Storm Strider. And I also have a unit of Tempest Blazers that I want to play with.

My biggest problem is to build 2 lists that compliment each other. I think a Tier 1 with eNemo could handle any beast/jack heavy list, and it's pretty straight forward and don't "require" that much. Basically you just need to get into position, cast Energizer and the upkeeps of you choice, pop the feat and let the Jacks to the work.

I've had some problem with eNemo against infantry heavy lists, so I've been thinking of something to handle that. My pHaley lists with both a Stormwall and a Storm Strider have proven solid before, and is probably the list I'll choose. But recently I saw a list on PP's forum with eHaley that looked like this:

Points: 50/50
Major Victoria Haley (*5pts)
* Lancer (6pts)
* Stormwall (19pts)
* Squire (2pts)
Storm Strider (9pts)
Black 13th Gun Mage Strike Team (4pts)
Tempest Blazers (Leader and 4 Grunts) (10pts)
Captain Arlan Strangewayes (2pts)
Journeyman Warcaster (3pts)

The idea is to but Arcane Shield on the Blazers and cast Deceleration giving them 17/18 against shooting. They run forward and shoot stuff dead, and don't give the opponent a chance to counter charge. Use the Lancer to cast Telekinesis when the opportunity arrives, or just give Dead Eye to the Blazers. The Stormwall and Strider is the main force. Advance with the Stormwall and keep the Strider slightly behind it. Arlan keeps behind them to repair if needed or spray something in melee. 

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Cygnar vs Khador (Kara Sloan vs Vlad3) 35pts - Battle Report

Challenged my friend to a quick 35 points game since I knew he had bought some new cavalry models and a new caster. I kinda of knew what I was facing but I still choose to play a list full of Gun Mages (and my new unit of Tempest Blazers) and see how they could handle it. The lists were:

Points: 35/35
Captain Kara Sloan (*6pts)
* Defender (9pts)
Arcane Tempest Gun Mages (Leader and 5 Grunts) (6pts)
* Arcane Tempest Gun Mage Officer (2pts)
Black 13th Gun Mage Strike Team (4pts)
Greygore Boomhowler & Co. (Boomhowler and 9 Grunts) (9pts)
Tempest Blazers (Leader and 4 Grunts) (10pts)
Reinholdt, Gobber Speculator (1pts) - Whom I forgot to put on the table

Points: 34/35
Vladimir Tzepesci, Great Prince of Umbrey (*5pts)
* Beast-09 (11pts)
Iron Fang Pikemen (Leader and 9 Grunts) (8pts)
* Black Dragon Officer & Standard (2pts)
Iron Fang Uhlans (Leader and 4 Grunts) (11pts)
Fenris (5pts)
Gorman di Wulfe, Rogue Alchemist (2pts)

Setup - Process of Elimination

Khador won the roll and wanted to go second. I choose to deploy the Tempest Blazers in front of the forest as they are the only unit with pathfinder in my army. I but ATGM and Boomhowlers on each flank to be able to contest both. B13 was placed so they could support either side. And I forgot about Reinholdt...

He deployed with Pikemens against Boomhowlers and the Uhlans against the ATGM. Fenris got put on far on the flank to do his work.

Cygnar - Turn 1

Kara gave 1 focus to the Defender and cast "Refuge" on herself. Everything ran.

Khador - Turn 1

Vlad kept his focus this turn. Pikemen used "Iron Zeal" and ran as far as possible. Vlad moved up behind them and cast "Windwall" and "Dash". Uhlans ran forward, and a single model ran far enough to engage Tempest Blazers in combat. Fenris moved up behind cover on the flank.

Cygnar - Turn 2

Kara gave 2 focus to Defender and up kept "Refuge". She started her activation by popping her feat and shot the Uhlans engaged in combat with the Tempest Blazers, the boosted damage roll did no damage as I rolled 1-1-1-2(!!!). Defender shot and killed a Uhlan out of activation. Tempest Blazers activated and killed the Uhlan in melee with them, and one pikeman.

B13 activated and killed a Uhlan. Defender activated and killed a Uhlan, and Kara managed to kill one with her out of activation shot. But the last remaining Uhlan made his command check without problem. ATGM activated and shot a Fenris, and did 0 damage to him. I did however knock him down with one Thunderstrike. Boomhowler charged the Pikemen and killed two of them.

Khador - Turn 2

Vlad kept all his focus this turn but activated first casting "Dash" and "Infernal Machine" on Beast 09. Pikemen then charged into the both Tempest Blazers and the Boomhowlers but only managed to kill two trolls. The last Uhlans charged the Defender but rolled snake-eyes on the attack. Fenris moved into combat with the ATGM who then failed their command check against abomination. Beast moved into combat with the Boomhowlers, and thanks to Infernal Machine he now caused terror, and of course the Boomhowlers also failed their command check...

Cygnar - Turn 3

Kara gave 2 focus to the Defender and up kept "Refuge". B13 activated first and killed the last Uhlan and Gorman. ATGM made their rally check but 2 models moved out of combat with Fenris and were killed by the free strikes. Defender activated and shot Fenris for about 8 wounds. Kara then activated and shot and killed Fenris, but he made his tough roll. Tempest Blazers activated, one shot Fenris (who once again made his tough roll) the rest shot and killed two pikemen, one being the officer. Boomhowlers also rallied this turn but couldn't do much else.

Khador - Turn 3

Vlad gave 3 focus to Beast 09 this turn. The pikemens managed to kill the Boomhowler in front of Beast. Vlad activated and popped his feat. Beast 09 charged into B13 and with a thresher attack he killed Watt, Ryan and two Tempest Blazers. He then side-stepped into combat with Kara and with his two remaining focus he manged to kill her. Axe to face, the Khador way.


I had never faced Vlad3 before, but I knew the could give Beast a huge threat range, but I still thought I was safe with Kara. It was also a huge deal to fail command checks with both ATGM and Boomhowlers on the same turn. Also my dice rolls are really odd, I can could hit Eiryss hiding inside of a bunker from across the table but my damage rolls are so low I couldn't even kill Reinholdt with a Stormwall... and I didn't help that I also forgot about the gobber this battle.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Khador vs Retribution (Strakhov vs Garryth) 35pts - Battle Report

This weekend I held a Steamroller Tournament at a local convention called Nordsken. We had 10 dedicated players showed up to battle for the Archangel trophy. In the end it came down to Khador and Retribution to battle it out to decide the winner of the tournament. This is the final battle of the day. The lists were:

Points: 35/35
Kommander Strakhov (*6pts)
* Beast-09 (11pts)
* Sylys Wyshnalyrr, the Seeker (2pts)
Battle Mechaniks (Leader and 3 Grunts) (2pts)
Doom Reavers (Leader and 5 Grunts) (6pts)
* Greylord Escort (2pts)
Kayazy Eliminators (Leader and Grunt) (3pts)
Man-o-war Demolition Corps (Leader and 4 Grunts) (9pts)
Widowmakers (Leader and 3 Grunts) (4pts)
Widowmaker Marksman (2pts)

Points: 35/35
Garryth, Blade of Retribution (*5pts)
* Banshee (10pts)
Dawnguard Sentinels (Leader and 9 Grunts) (9pts)
* Dawnguard Sentinel Officer & Standard (2pts)
Lady Aiyana & Master Holt (4pts)
Mage Hunter Strikeforce (Leader and 9 Grunts) (8pts)
* Mage Hunter Commander (2pts)
Arcanist (1pts)
Mage Hunter Assassin (2pts)
Mage Hunter Assassin (2pts)


Khador got the first turn and deployed the main of his force in the middle of the board to be able to contest any flag, the Doom Reavers advance deployed far away from his main force and was set to capture the flag on the right side.

Retribution had the same plan as he deployed his force across from the Khador army, with his Mage Hunter Strike force on the flank to handle the Doom Reavers. The Mage Hunter Assassins got the other flank.

Khador - Turn 1

The entire Khador army advanced carefully towards the elves. Strakhov cast "Occulation" on the Demolition Corps and "Superiority" on Beast 09.

Retribution - Turn 1

Retribution did pretty much the same as Khador - advanced. Garryth cast "Mirage" on the Sentinels and then joined the Mage Hunters in the forest. The Mage Hunters advanced and got within range of some of the Doom Reavers, they then shot and killed 3 of them. Ayana & Holt advanced along with the Mage Hunter Assassins towards the Widowmakers.

Incursion - the flag closest to the camera was removed.

Khador - Turn 2

Strakhov up kept both Occultation and Superiority this turn. Doom Reavers and the Kayazy Eliminators charged the Mage Hunters but only managed to kill one. Widowmakers advanced towards the Sentinels and shot and killed 3 of them. Both Man-o-Wars and Beast 09 stayed back this turn, preparing to make the charge next turn. 

Retribution - Turn 2

Garryth gave 2 focus to the Banshee and kept Mirage on the Sentinels this turn. The 3 Mage Hunters in melee with the Doom Reavers and Eliminators all backed away and got killed with the free strikes. The Remaining Mage Hunters and the Banshee then shot and killed the Doom Reavers and Eliminators, leaving only the Greylord Escort standing. 

The Mage Hunter Assassins charged and killed 2 of the Widowmakers. Holt then shot and killed the last two. The Sentinels then ran as far as possible towards the main Khador force to "lock" them in melee and to prevent them from coming closer to the flags. Garryth then moved up and killed the Greylord Escort before he popped his feat. 

Khador - Turn 3

Strakov kept Superiority (with Sylys) and dropped Occultation from the Man-o-Wars. Beast 09 also got allocated 3 focus this turn. Man-o-Wars activated and moved into melee with the Sentinels and killed 5 of them. The Widowmaker Marksman then ran towards the flag to score a point.

Beast 09 charged into combat with the Mage Hunter Assassins and killed them both. The Battle Mechanics also charged into combat with the Sentinels and managed to kill one. Strakhov moved up behind the Man-o-Wars.

Khador Control Points: 1
Retribution Control Points: 0

Retribution - Turn 3

Garryth charged and killed the Widowmaker Marksman and dominated the flag this turn. The Banshee moved up and killed a Man-o-War. The Sentinels that was left also charged the Man-o-Wars and killed another 2, and one moved into combat with Beast 09. The Mage Hunter Strike Force ran towards the middle flag to control it and to prevent Khador from taking any objectives.

Khador Control Points: 1
Retribution Control Points: 3

Khador - Turn 4

Things started to look grim for the Khador. Strakhov moved into combat to clear a path for the Man-o-War, he managed to kill both a Sentinel and a Mage Hunter before popping his feat. The Man-o-War then charged into Garryth and did about 9 damage to the Warcaster and contested the flag. Beast 09 took a free strike and moved closer to the middle flag where he killed both Ayana, Holt and another Mage Hunter. 

Khador Control Points: 1
Retribution Control Points: 3

Retribution - Turn 4

All that was left to do for Garryth was to kill a Man-o-War and dominate the flag another turn to win the game... which he did without breaking a sweat. A glorious win for the elves! 

Khador Control Points: 1
Retribution Control Points: 5

The winner, Niclas Ledin, holding the "Archangel Trophy"