Points: 35/35
Kommander Strakhov (*6pts)
* Beast-09 (11pts)
* Sylys Wyshnalyrr, the Seeker (2pts)
Battle Mechaniks (Leader and 3 Grunts) (2pts)
Doom Reavers (Leader and 5 Grunts) (6pts)
* Greylord Escort (2pts)
Kayazy Eliminators (Leader and Grunt) (3pts)
Man-o-war Demolition Corps (Leader and 4 Grunts) (9pts)
Widowmakers (Leader and 3 Grunts) (4pts)
Widowmaker Marksman (2pts)
Points: 35/35
Garryth, Blade of Retribution (*5pts)
* Banshee (10pts)
Dawnguard Sentinels (Leader and 9 Grunts) (9pts)
* Dawnguard Sentinel Officer & Standard (2pts)
Lady Aiyana & Master Holt (4pts)
Mage Hunter Strikeforce (Leader and 9 Grunts) (8pts)
* Mage Hunter Commander (2pts)
Arcanist (1pts)
Mage Hunter Assassin (2pts)
Mage Hunter Assassin (2pts)
Setup |
Khador got the first turn and deployed the main of his force in the middle of the board to be able to contest any flag, the Doom Reavers advance deployed far away from his main force and was set to capture the flag on the right side.
Retribution had the same plan as he deployed his force across from the Khador army, with his Mage Hunter Strike force on the flank to handle the Doom Reavers. The Mage Hunter Assassins got the other flank.
Khador - Turn 1 |
The entire Khador army advanced carefully towards the elves. Strakhov cast "Occulation" on the Demolition Corps and "Superiority" on Beast 09.
Retribution - Turn 1 |
Retribution did pretty much the same as Khador - advanced. Garryth cast "Mirage" on the Sentinels and then joined the Mage Hunters in the forest. The Mage Hunters advanced and got within range of some of the Doom Reavers, they then shot and killed 3 of them. Ayana & Holt advanced along with the Mage Hunter Assassins towards the Widowmakers.
Incursion - the flag closest to the camera was removed.
Khador - Turn 2 |
Strakhov up kept both Occultation and Superiority this turn. Doom Reavers and the Kayazy Eliminators charged the Mage Hunters but only managed to kill one. Widowmakers advanced towards the Sentinels and shot and killed 3 of them. Both Man-o-Wars and Beast 09 stayed back this turn, preparing to make the charge next turn.
Retribution - Turn 2 |
Garryth gave 2 focus to the Banshee and kept Mirage on the Sentinels this turn. The 3 Mage Hunters in melee with the Doom Reavers and Eliminators all backed away and got killed with the free strikes. The Remaining Mage Hunters and the Banshee then shot and killed the Doom Reavers and Eliminators, leaving only the Greylord Escort standing.
The Mage Hunter Assassins charged and killed 2 of the Widowmakers. Holt then shot and killed the last two. The Sentinels then ran as far as possible towards the main Khador force to "lock" them in melee and to prevent them from coming closer to the flags. Garryth then moved up and killed the Greylord Escort before he popped his feat.
Khador - Turn 3 |
Strakov kept Superiority (with Sylys) and dropped Occultation from the Man-o-Wars. Beast 09 also got allocated 3 focus this turn. Man-o-Wars activated and moved into melee with the Sentinels and killed 5 of them. The Widowmaker Marksman then ran towards the flag to score a point.
Beast 09 charged into combat with the Mage Hunter Assassins and killed them both. The Battle Mechanics also charged into combat with the Sentinels and managed to kill one. Strakhov moved up behind the Man-o-Wars.
Khador Control Points: 1
Retribution Control Points: 0
Beast 09 charged into combat with the Mage Hunter Assassins and killed them both. The Battle Mechanics also charged into combat with the Sentinels and managed to kill one. Strakhov moved up behind the Man-o-Wars.
Khador Control Points: 1
Retribution Control Points: 0
Retribution - Turn 3 |
Garryth charged and killed the Widowmaker Marksman and dominated the flag this turn. The Banshee moved up and killed a Man-o-War. The Sentinels that was left also charged the Man-o-Wars and killed another 2, and one moved into combat with Beast 09. The Mage Hunter Strike Force ran towards the middle flag to control it and to prevent Khador from taking any objectives.
Khador Control Points: 1
Retribution Control Points: 3
Khador - Turn 4 |
Things started to look grim for the Khador. Strakhov moved into combat to clear a path for the Man-o-War, he managed to kill both a Sentinel and a Mage Hunter before popping his feat. The Man-o-War then charged into Garryth and did about 9 damage to the Warcaster and contested the flag. Beast 09 took a free strike and moved closer to the middle flag where he killed both Ayana, Holt and another Mage Hunter.
Khador Control Points: 1
Retribution Control Points: 3
Retribution - Turn 4 |
All that was left to do for Garryth was to kill a Man-o-War and dominate the flag another turn to win the game... which he did without breaking a sweat. A glorious win for the elves!
Khador Control Points: 1
Retribution Control Points: 5
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The winner, Niclas Ledin, holding the "Archangel Trophy" |
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