Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Calling for reinforcements

So I made a ratter huge (by my standards) order last night. I wanted to make my entire order from Discount Gaming Inc, but unfortunately they didn't have everything in stock so I made a small order from Figurspel as well. But non of the shops had a "Hunter Light Jack" available... so I'm still gonna have to use a proxy for a while, which sucks.

Any way, this is what I've ordered.

Lord Commander Stryker (aka eStryker)
Marcus "Siege" Brisbane
Rhupert Carvolo, Piper of Ord
Arlan Strangeways
3x Stormgunners
Heavy Warjack kit (Cyclone, Defender, Ironclad)
And the brand new Heavy Warjack kit with the option to build the three guys;

This will give me a few options for some different lists I want to try out. Both eStryker and Siege kind of want the same units, I could still use some Swordnights or some Arcane Tempest Gun Mages but they'll have to wait. The most important thing right now is to get hold of some good magnets so I can easily swap the arms on my plastic warjack kits.

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