Sunday, September 30, 2012

Fools rush in

So yesterday we played the Gen-Con adventure that PP released for the IKRPG. This will be just a quick first impression review of the quick start rules and scenarios. 

The adventure takes place in the city Corvis where the players have been trying to set up a mercenary charter. Some guy named Rorke hires the crew and wants them to steal a crate from some guy named Jorvis. I won't go into more details, in case I spoil something for someone. The synopsis is pretty simple, and there's basically only 2 encounters in this game - one that can be solved with social skills and one that lets you try the fighting rules. 

The game kind of reminds me of D&D 4th. There's a lot of focus on fighting, and a majority of the skills and feat will help you with just that. Of course there are skills for socializing, like negotiation, interrogation and con. But fighting will always occur, and you want to be prepared (and good) for it. And when the fighting begins it's pretty much a more "advanced" version of the miniature game - so you're gonna need maps, models and a lot of space where you're playing. 

I'm still pretty new to the Iron Kingdoms setting, and I don't know a lot of backstory, so I'll have some reading to do the next few days/weeks. Well, was it any fun you might ask? As always, with roleplaying games, it will all depend on the group you are playing with. I've always preferred games that focus on social skills and ways to solve problems without resorting to violence. But I still think I can make this work. My friend have ordered the rule book, so I'll have a chance to maybe check it out a bit next week and figure out a few things. 

Anyhow I'll be writing my own adventure/campaign for my group, and we'll give it a few tries before I'll give my final result on this game. 

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