Thursday, September 27, 2012

Casters incoming!

From left to right - (Lord Commander Stryker) (Rhupert Carvalo) (Marcus 'Siege' Brisbane) & (Arlan Strangeways)

Got the first part of my order today (of course it's the order I placed at a Swedish store). I've opened all the blizters to check that all the parts are there, which they are. Siege, Rhupert and Arlan all seem pretty easy to assemble and paint... eStryker... seems to be a challenge. 

Stryker have a pretty odd pose on the jack he is standing on. His head is really small and when you put it in place the collar of his armor pretty much obscures his entire face. Both his arms needs to be glued in place, which give me a few option on where I want the sword (in front of his or over his head).

I still haven't made any specific lists with my new casters, but as I'll receive a few Warjack-kits soon I don't think I'll have any problems playing 35 points with some variation. But I need to start looking for some more units than the Stormblades. Currently I'm looking at some mercenary units, but that'll be another post. 

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