I would call this my first "real" game with my Cygnar force. We have spent the last few weeks (or month even) learning the rules and making mistakes, and confusing the rules with Warhammer... but lets not get into that. We didn't play any scenario, we just went for the caster kill in a 25pts Skirmish.
I played my standard force;
pStryker (+6)
- Ironclad (7)
- Lancer (6)
- Squire (2)
Journeyman Warcaster (3)
- Charger (4)
Stormblade Infantry (5)
The Black 13th (4)
The Cryx list
eSkarre (+6)
- Slayer (6)
- Deathripper (4)
- Deathripper (4)
Bane Lord Thartus (4)
Bane Thralls (8)
Mechanithralls (3)
Necrosurgeon & Stich Thralls (2)
Setup |
I had a pretty clear battle plan from the start. I knew I would be facing off against a lot of Bane Thralls, and I didn't have much stealth detection aside from B13. So my plan was to move up in the middle of the battlefield with my Ironclad and Stromblades. Use B13 and the Charger to flank him, and have my Lancer flank in from the other side. Hopefully this would let me get some free shots on his caster or maybe even let my arc earthquake in a critical location. Things didn't really end up as planned.
Cygnar - Turn 1 |
Cryx won the roll to go first, but let me have it. The (in)famous Run-up-along-the-board-phase. Each Jack got a focus and ran. Stryker cast Blur on the Lancer and Arcane Shield on the Ironclad. Journeyman casts Arcane Shield on the Stormblades. Not much else going on.
Cryx - Turn 1 |
Cryx respond with doing the exact same thing. Every jack got a focus and ran, every other unit advanced as far as possible. Skarre cast Death Ward on the Bane Thralls. End.
Cygnar - Turn 2 |
Journeyman Warcaster didn't upkeep the Arcane Shield, instead he gave 3 focus to the Charger. Stryker kept Arcane Shield on the Ironclad but skipped Blur on the Lancer. Instead he cast Snipe on the Charger who then shot Bane Lord Tharthus with 2 boosted shots and killed him (I asked if Tharthus had Stealth, but my friend said no). B13 advanced just enough to get into range of the Bonejack on the right flank, 4 Brutal Shots later and the jack was wrecked. The Ironclad and the Stormblades made a "tactical retreat", because I didn't want the Bane Thralls to get a charge just yet.
Cryx - Turn 2 |
Not much happened this turn. Bane Thralls advanced along with Skarre and the Slayer. Mechanithralls made a charge move against the B13 and managed to kill Watts with a single strike from a Thrall. A few attack spells were cast (Arcing them through the Bonejack) by Skarre but every spell missed the Ironclad.
Cygnar - Turn 3 |
Stryker still kept both Arcane Shield and Snipe this turn. I also tried to cast Earthquake on the Bane Thralls but couldn't reach them due to stealth, instead the Bonejack got knocked down and locked in combat with the Lancer. Journeyman gave another 3 focus to the Charger who took 2 shots against the Slayer managing to destroy its right arm in the process. Ironclad advanced to meet the charge from the Bane Thralls. B13 advanced along the right flank trying to move into position to put pressure on Skarre. Oh, I also feated this turn.
Cryx - Turn 3 |
Time to fight! Cryx charged with almost everything. Bane Thralls charged both the Lancer and Ironclad and the Mechanithralls went for the Charger. Due to both high ARM and (un)lucky dice rolls Ironclad only suffered 2 wounds/boxes. The Lancer lost its Right Arm and so did the Charger, but they were still alive. The Necrosurgeon tied up the B13 in close combat, but missed every attack. Skarre and the Slayer moved into position just before she feated (Preventing my Ironclad and Lancer from attacking, and preventing me from attacking the Slayer and Skarre)
Cygnar - Turn 4 |
Stryker kept Arcane shield in play on Ironclad, and Journeyman cast it on the Stormblades before he moved behind cover. Both my Lancer and Ironclad were unable to attack due to the feat. Instead I charged to Bane Thralls with my Stormblades killing 2 of them. The Charger got another point of focus and kept swinging his broken hammer in close combat but didn't manage to kill a single Mechanithrall. B13 had some bad dice rolls and only killed a single Stitch Thrall. Stryker moved in behind the Ironclad and went for a boosted shot with his gun against the Bane Thrall, but missed.
Cryx - Turn 4 |
My Cryx playing friend decided to go for a assassination run on Stryker. The Slayer started with a Trample move through my Stormblades, killing all but 3 of them. Next he charged my Ironclad with Skarre, and using her Great Rack she knocked down the Ironclad, making a clear path for the Bane Thralls do move up and around Stryker for the kill. However, he only managed to inflict 8 wounds on Stryker, and about the same amount on the knocked down Ironclad. The Lancer, Charger and B13 also survived this round without suffering any major damage.
Cygnar - Turn 5 |
A quick turn to end the game. Ironclad got 3 focus. Stood up and hit Skarre with his mace causing 14 wounds on a single boosted hit. Because she had used her feat and spent 4 wounds already, she was defeated. Victory for Stryker and his forces.
The biggest mistakes in the game were that we forgot that Thartus had stealth (he is a Bane Thrall, duh!), which probably would have helped his charge against the Ironclad/Lancer a lot. Meanwhile I forgot that Squire added 2" control range for Stryker, which made me not put focus on the Lancer and moving him further down the left flank, and perhaps move in closer for an Earthquake spell on the Bane Thralls.
I was also told that the turn I shot at the Slayer with my Charger, I could have instead moved him a few inches and shoot 2 boosted shots at Skarre who was a bit out of position. If you check out the "Cygnar turn 3" picture, you can see she is standing between Bane Thralls and Slayer.
I had a battle plan and I tried following it through. Maybe I should have spent more time with the B13 and Charger killing the Mechanithralls on the right flank to clear it up. And I never got my Lancer in to really good position. What really won me the game were his unlucky dice rolls the turn he charged my Warjacks, and the turn he went for the assassination.
Perhaps next time I can bring a unit of ATGM+UA instead of the B13 and the Squire. Or perhaps Ol' Rowdy will make an appearance with Stryker.
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