I told two of my long time Warhammer buddies about Warmachine and Hordes, and convinced them to buy the Horde 2-player Starter box, and they did. One of my friends being a huge fan of the Wood Elf theme and play style went for the Circle Orboros crew, and even bought a few extra models to reach 25 points from the start.
This is his first time playing against any Warmachine faction, as he has only played a few games against the Legion starter kit. This are the armies we are playing with today;
Commander Coleman Stryker (*6pts)
* Lancer (6pts)
* Ironclad (7pts)
* Squire (2pts)
Black 13th Gun Mage Strike Team (4pts)
Stormblade Infantry (Leader and 5 Grunts) (5pts)
Journeyman Warcaster (3pts)
* Charger (4pts)
Points: 25/25
Kaya the Wildborne (*6pts)
* Argus (4pts)
* Winter Argus (5pts)
* Feral Warpwolf (9pts)
Shifting Stones (2pts)
* Stone keeper (1pts)
Warpborn Skinwalkers (Leader and 4 Grunts) (8pts)
Blackclad Wayfarer (2pts)
Points: 25/25
Setup |
No scenario as I want my friend to get familiar with the game and models. He won the roll and wanted to go first. He placed his army pretty much in the middle (and later advanced deployed his stones in the ruin on the left). I choose to meet him in the middle while the Charger went for a flank. B13 just wanted to quickly get into the cover of the forest.
Turn 1 |
I forgot to take a picture after Circle turn 1, so this is at the end of Cygnar turn 1.
Cirlce pretty much ran forward. All the two-headed dogs were forced to run, and the Feral simple generated a Fury for Kaya to leach later. Kaya advanced behind the Warpborns and cast Occulation on them (giving them Stealth for a turn).
Stryker kept all of his focus and Journeyman gave his 3 to the Charger. The Charger moved up and got in range to shoot at the Winter Argus. Two boosted shots later and I had crippled its mind (the one that gives one less die to attack rolls). Stryker gave Arcane Shield to the Stormblades and moved up behind the Ironclad. The Lancer advanced, and B13 threw out a Mage Storm that fell short and scattered towards the Warpborns.
Circle - Turn 2 |
Kaya leeched to full Fury and healed her Winter Argus so it could recover some of its "mind boxes". Warpborn advanced around the Mage Storm. The Argus moved towards the Winter Argus and cast his Animus (giving path finding to the Winter Argus). Then the Winter Argus moved into the woods where the B13 where hiding, and even though he boosted his hits he only manged to kill one (Ryan).
Finally the Stones and Blackclad moved up. Here a mistake was made. He thought that the Stonekeeper granted Stealth to any model/unit within the stone formation. And Blackclad will pay the price as you will see.
Cygnar - Turn 2 |
Stryker kept Arcane Shield on the Stormblades and kept the rest of the focus on himself (he also took a focus from the Squire this turn). Journeyman once again gave his 3 focus to the Charger. B13 shot with Brutal Shots on the Winter Argus and almost killed it. The Charger finished the job with a boosted hit, and he also took a shot at Blackclad who was just in reach of his cannon and killed him as well.
The Lancer moved up a few inches and the Ironclad followed behind. 3 of the Stormblades shot with their glaives on the Warpborn and managed to kill one. Stryker cast Earthquake on the Feral Warpwolf knocking him down, and a Warpborn as well. Then I used the feat for the +5 ARM as I was expecting a charge from Circle the next turn.
Circle - Turn 3 |
Can you say fallback? Every model either ran or advanced away from Cygnar army. Nothing else of importance happened.
Cygnar - Turn 3 |
Stryker kept all the focus for himself this turn and the Charger got 3 from the Journeyman. The Lancer and Ironclad advanced. Stryker cast another Earthquake on the Feral, knocking him over. And he cast Snipe on the Stormblades.
The Stormblades advanced and shot at the Feral, but only hit with one, and hardly any damage was done. B13 advanced and cast a Mage Storm at the Warpborn, but they missed and the deviation just moved an inch towards Kaya and caused a few wounds to every one hit. The Charger only had a Warpborn in sight so a boosted shot killed it.
Circle - Turn 4 |
Time for the Assassination run from Kaya. With nothing to loose he sat his plan into action. Kaya leeched to 6 fury. Warpborns charged both the Ironclad and the Lancer, but didn't inflict any damage. The Feral moved into combat after standing up, so he couldn't do any damage this turn. Then the Argus came.
He tried a boosted Doppler Bark at the Ironclad/Stryker/Squire, but due to poor dice rolls he only manged to paralyze the Squire. Then Kaya activated and cast Spirit Door and moved 2" from her Argus and was within reach of Stryker. She bought a boosted attack but only managed to cause a few wounds. Then she used her feat and got another 6 Fury from her beasts. But the dice rolls wasn't in his favor and he only manged to cause a bout 8 wounds in total on Stryker.
(I now know that this is not how Spirit Door works, as you can't make attacks after "teleporting". Think this was a MKI thing. But it was just a friendly game, so what ever)
Cygnar - Turn 4 |
Stryker kept his focus and took one extra from the Squire. He used all his focus to try and kill Kaya, but after he was done she still had 2 wounds left. So the B13 moved in and shot Black Penny (to ignore melee penalty) and just barley got enough to kill her.
A few mistakes because I don't fully know all the rules for Hordes and Kaya. But in the end I felt like this is a bad match up for Circle. Nothing that can shoot or cause damage from afar, and only one really hard hitter with the Feral Warpwolf. I think Circle can be a really dangerous opponent with another list or just a few different units/beasts.