We rolled for scenario and got Bunker from the Steamroller 2012 scenarios. To win, you need to cap the control area on your opponents side while preventing him from capping the one on your side. Each cap gives 1 point, and you need 2 points to win... or caster kill.
I choose to play with 'Siege'. I've never played with him before, all I knew was that he wanted a Defender in his group and a Hunter/Charger. I don't want to proxy I ended up with a Charger. And the only infantry I got in my possession is the "Stromblob". Anyway, these are the lists we ended up playing.
Major Markus 'Siege' Brisbane (*5pts)
* Charger (4pts)
* Defender (9pts)
Black 13th Gun Mage Strike Team (4pts)
Stormblade Infantry (Leader and 5 Grunts) (5pts)
* Stormblade Infantry Officer & Standard (3pts)
* * Stormclad (10pts)
* 3 Stormblade Infantry Storm Gunner (3pts)
Captain Arlan Strangewayes (2pts)
Points: 35/35
The Butcher of Khardov (*6pts)
* Black Ivan (10pts)
* Demolisher (9pts)
* Sylys Wyshnalyrr, the Seeker (2pts)
Greylord Ternion (Leader and 2 Grunts) (4pts)
Iron Fang Pikemen (Leader and 9 Grunts) (8pts)
* Black Dragon Officer & Standard (2pts)
Widowmakers (Leader and 3 Grunts) (4pts)
Widowmaker Marksman (2pts)
Points: 35/35
Setup |
Khador won the roll and choose to start. The deployment was 28" from left to right and a standard 10" in. The scenario is meant to be played with reinforcements but we skipped those. Khador need to cap the red area on the left, and Cygnar the blue on the right.
Everything deployed pretty much in the middle. The Widowmakers got to advance deploy and wanted the wall for cover to prevent me from capping the point. And wanted to do something similar with Siege and his battle group.
Khador - Turn 1 |
Each Jack got a focus and ran. So did the Pikemen and the Widowmakers. Butcher moved up behind his Pikemen and cast Iron Flesh (+3 DEF -1 SPD) on them.
Cygnar - Turn 1 |
Siege gave one focus to the Charger and Defender. The Warjacks ran across the board. Stormblades being afraid of the Widowmakers kept in the center of the board. B13 cast a Mage Storm but the deviation made the storm fall really, really short. Siege moved up with his battle group and gave himself a Fox Hole (immune to blasts). Arlan gave 'Evasive Action' to the Stormclad before it ran.
Khador - Turn 2 |
Butcher gave 2 focus to both Ivan and the Demolisher, while Sylys kept Iron Flesh on the Pikemen. The Pikemen advanced and orders a Shield Wall formation, and used their 'Iron Zeal' ability (+4 ARM), leaving them with a total of ARM 22. Greylords advanced on the flank and cast 'Ice Cage' (-2 DEF) on my Stormclad.
The Widowmakers shot at the Stormclad and caused 3 wounds, two shots missed which made it possible for the Stormclad to move up 4" due to 'Evasive Action'. Then the Demolisher shot a boosted shot at Stormclad and crippled his sword arm. Black Ivan also moved up and boosted a shot which caused a ton of damage, leaving the Stormclad with crippled right arm, leg and cortex.
Butcher moved up and camped 2 focus.
Cygnar - Turn 2 |
I wanted to try a assassination on Butcher this turn. Siege gave 2 focus to the Defender before he moved up and used his feat. Siege cast a Fox Hole on the pikemen to prevent them from blocking line of sight to Butcher. I took a boosted shot with his Rocket Cannon and caused 12 wounds on a single hit. Then the Defender moved up and took a boosted shot causing 4 more wounds, but it wasn't enough to kill him.
I didn't really know how to keep Siege safe for the next turn, so B13 moved up and shot at the Pikemen. They didn't manage to kill anyone, but the Mage Storm missed and deviated perfect in front of Siege. The Stormblades moved up and took some shots and the pikemen, but didn't manage to hit them.
The Stormclad backed up and Arlan moved up to repair him. I managed to roll a six on the repair and got back my crippled systems.
Khador - Turn 3 |
Butcher gave Black Ivan 2 focus this turn before he moved into the forest, gave him self Iron Flesh and used his feat. Black Ivan advanced and shot at the Charger causing 16 wounds on it. Then the Pikemen charged the Charger and killed it with with two attacks. Four of the Pikemen were now in range of Siege and tried their best to wound him, but they only caused 4 wounds on him. Two Pikmen also charged the Stormblades and killed two Stormgunners.
The Demolisher advanced and shot at the Stormclad, but missed both shots. The Widormakers also shot at the Stormclad and caused 4 wounds on it and crippled the cortex once again. The Greylords and Sylys only moved this turn.
Cygnar - Turn 3 |
Siege camped all of his focus this turn and moved into combat with the Pikemen and killed one. The Defender tried to help Siege but missed with his hammer. B13 was more successful when a Mage Storm was cast and killed 4 pikemen, and another was killed with the help of a 'Black Penny' shot.
Stormblades moved into combat with the Pikemen, and one Stormblade moved towards the Stormclad (to help it activate) and one moved closer to Butcher. Arlan then repaired the Stormclad once again giving back the cortex to the jack. Then the Stormclad activated and moved towards Butcher and shot with his Generator Blast at the Stormblade hoping for a Electro Leap to kill Butcher. But the dices wanted the fight to continue as I only caused 2 wounds on Butcher, leaving him with 2 wounds left.
Khador - Turn 4 |
Butcher gave 2 focus to Black Ivan and kept the rest. The Greylords activated first and cast Ice Cage on Siege, leaving him with DEF 10. Then the Pikemen moved into striking range of Siege and the first hit caused critical knock down and a few wounds in total (Siege had camped all his focus, so he had ARM 23)
Black Ivan activated and shot Siege causing a few more wounds, but he was still alive with 9 boxes. Sylys gave Butcher 'Arcane Secrets' before Butcher moved up and cast Obliteration on Siege, but poor dice rolls didn't cause any damage to Siege.
Widowmakers killed Arlan and the Demolisher only manged to kill the Stormblade hiding behind the Stormclad.
Cygnar - Turn 4 |
Siege gave 2 focus to the Defender and kept the rest. B13 killed the Pikemen still in combat. Both Siege and the Defender tried to shoot Butcher but both missed. The Stormblades charged Butcher and finally killed him with some good dice rolls.
I was planning on getting the objective with my Storm-nouns, but I forgot how much damage the Widowmakers can put out. Also the Demolisher boosted attacks was really scary. So I didn't want to advance towards my objective, instead I wanted to try and kill his caster.
The unit that won me this game was the Black 13th. With out my lucky Mage Storm deviation Siege would have died to a full unit of Pikemen charging him under Butchers feat.
I played high-risk-high-reward play, and it payed out for me. Don't know if I really like this list. I would've preferred to play with regular ATGM and perhaps some Sword Knights and different Warjacks.
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