Saturday, October 13, 2012

Cygnar vs Khador (pStryker vs Harkevich) Battle Report

After my Warjacks finally arrived I really wanted to test them, so I challenged my Khador playing friend for a 50 points "Close Quarter" Scenario. I've only played 50 points one time before, and that was with a lot of proxy models (which I really hate), but this time I had 99% of the models I needed. The only thing I want to change in this list is the Light Warjack. I want to play with a Hunter, but as I still don't own one I went for the Charger instead.

Anyway, this were the list we were playing with.

Commander Coleman Stryker (*6pts)
* Centurion (9pts)
* Ol' Rowdy (9pts)
* Squire (2pts)
Black 13th Gun Mage Strike Team (4pts)
Stormblade Infantry (Leader and 5 Grunts) (5pts)
* Stormblade Infantry Officer & Standard (3pts)
* * Stormclad (10pts)
* 3 Stormblade Infantry Storm Gunner (3pts)
Captain Arlan Strangewayes (2pts)
Journeyman Warcaster (3pts)
* Charger (4pts)
Rhupert Carvolo, Piper of Ord (2pts)

Points: 50/50

Kommander Harkevich, the Iron Wolf (*5pts)
* Black Ivan (10pts)
* Conquest (19pts)
* War dog (1pts)
Battle Mechaniks (Leader and 5 Grunts) (3pts)
Iron Fang Pikemen (Leader and 9 Grunts) (8pts)
* Black Dragon Officer & Standard (2pts)
Widowmakers (Leader and 3 Grunts) (4pts)
Eiryss, Angel of Retribution (3pts)
Ogrun Bokur (3pts)
Widowmaker Marksman (2pts)
Points: 50/50


The scenario we're playing it the Steamroller Close Quarter. At the end of each player’s turn, starting on the second player’s second turn, a player earns 1 control point by controlling the zone on his opponent’s side of the board while his warcaster or warlock is within a zone.The first player to earn at least 3 control points and have more control points than the opponent wins the game.

I won the roll and got the first turn/setup. My plan was to hold the point closest to me with Stryker and his Jacks, and keep the B13 close to shoot anything that wanted to engage them. I wanted my Storm-nouns to move up and claim the other point with the help of my Journeyman and his Charger. I didn't really have a way to destroy a Conquest with a full unit och Battle Mechanics in his rear, so my plan was to just ignore him as he can't be at two control points at same time.

Cygnar - Turn 1

Everything ran or moved up the board. Stryker cast Arcane Shield on the Centurion and Blur on  B13 and my Journeyman cast Arcane Shield on the Stormblades. Rhupert gave the Stormblades Fearless/Tough.

Khador - Turn 1

Khador started to move towards the middle of the battlefield. Harkevich cast Fortune and Escort. Black Dragons only advanced to keep shield wall formation. Conquest took a shot against the Stormblades but missed, and so he lay down a Creeping Barrage in front of him. The Widowmakers shot the at the Stormblades but didn't manage to penetrate their high armor. The Marksman did however cause a wound but I rolled for Tough and he survived.

Cygnar - Turn 2

Stryker kept Arcane Shield on the Centurion but removed Blur, gave a single Focus to the Centurion so it could run into the control point with Ol' Rowdy. B13 took some shots at the Ogrun and did 5 wounds in total. The Stormblades advanced and tried to shoot the Widowmakers but missed. Rhupert once again gave them Fearless/Tough. Stormclad ran as fast as it could. Journeyman kept Arcane Shield on the Stormblades and advanced with the Charger who also tried to shoot the Widowmakers but missed.

Khador - Turn 2
Harkevich kept Fortune on the Conquest and gave him some focus (2 or 3, don't remember) and gave 1 focus to Black Ivan, then he cast Broadside and moved into the forest. The Widomakers once again tried to kill my Stormblades, but I rolled a 5 or 6 on every tough check this time. Same thing happened when Black Ivan shot them. The War Dog moved into the control point along with some of the Battle mechanics.

Conquest shot with his big gun at Ol' Rowdy and got a critical hit throwing the Centurion to the side and caused a few wounds on both Ol' Rowdy and Stryker. The Conquest also shot at the Stormblades with his small guns and did manage to get one killed as I failed my first tough roll. Black Dragons used their mini feat and ran forward. Ol' Rowdy got to counter charge and killed one. Eiryss and Ogrun moved up behind the pikemen.

Cygnar - Turn 3
Stryker kept Arcane Shield on the Centurion and gave 2 focus to Ol' Rowdy and 2 focus to the Centurion. Ol' Rowdy engaged the pikemen and killed 2. The Centurion missed with every attack (think I rolled three 1 with two boosted attack rolls). So to clear the point I also charged with Stryker who killed another 2 pikemen before using his feat. B13 moved up the flank and killed Ogrun Bokur, and caused a wound on the Black Dragon officer.

The Stormblades advanced a few inches, and my Stormgunners shot the Battle Mechanics killing them both. Journeyman had kept Arcane Shield on the Stormblades so he gave a single focus to the Charger who moved up and took a shot at Black Ivan causing 6 wounds. The Stormclad charged the Widowmakers killing the Marksman and two "grunts". Arlan ran go catch up with the Jacks.

Khador - Turn 3
Harkevich kept Fortune on the Conquest and gave him and Black Ivan some focus before casting Broadside. The remaining Black Dragons tried their best to penetrate the high armor of a Stryker-feat-round but couldn't. Conquest moved up and shot at Stryker and with everything managed to cause 6 wounds. Black Ivan shot and killed Rhupert. The remaining Battle Mechanics claimed the control point. Eiryss tried to stay clear of trouble. Same with the last of the Widowmakers.

Cygnar - Turn 4

Stryker kept Arcane Shield on the Centurion, but camped the rest of the focus. Another poor combat round for the Heavy Warjacks. The Centurion killed a single pikeman but Ol' Rowdy didn't. B13 took some shots in the melee but didn't kill anything. Stryker charged and killed a pikeman after buying both attack and boosts (in hindsight this was a really dumb move with Stryker).

Stormblades charged the Battle Mechanics, and with the assault order the killed the whole unit and the War Dog. Stormclad moved into combat with Harkevich, but the dices didn't want him dead as I rolled really bad and only caused about 4 wounds on him. Tried to kill the last Widowmaker with both Arlan and Journeyman but both missed.

Khador - Turn 4
Short turn. Harkevich cast Broadside on his battlegroup. Both the Conquest and Black Ivan shot everything they could at Stryker who was really out of position. A few rolls later he lay dead...


Can't really blame anything but myself on this loss. Don't know why I charged with Stryker instead of moving him back a bit. And the Stormblades should have just charged Black Ivan instead of killing of the Battle Mechanics, but for some unknown reason I really wanted to point. Should have been a clear win for me I believe.

All I can do is learn from my mistakes, paint my models and come back to the battlefield.

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