Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Cygnar vs Khador (pStryker vs Harkevich) Battle Report

Alright, so another game against my Khador playing friend. I've been on a real winning streak the last few games I've played, and it was a long time ago Khador got the better of me. This is a standard 25 points skirmish game without a scenario, just caster-kill. It will be my first time against Harkevich but I know he can bring some hard hitting bombardments.

This will probably be the last time I use pStryker as I've received both eStryker and Siege this week. My list have remained the same.

Commander Coleman Stryker (*6pts)
* Lancer (6pts)
* Ironclad (7pts)
* Squire (2pts)
Black 13th Gun Mage Strike Team (4pts)
Stormblade Infantry (Leader and 5 Grunts) (5pts)
Journeyman Warcaster (3pts)
* Charger (4pts)

Points: 25/25

The Khador list I will be playing against this game

Kommander Harkevich, the Iron Wolf (*5pts)
* Black Ivan (10pts)
* Destroyer (9pts)
Iron Fang Pikemen (Leader and 5 Grunts) (5pts)
* Black Dragon Officer & Standard (2pts)
Widowmakers (Leader and 3 Grunts) (4pts)

Points: 25/25


Khador won the roll and started to set up in the middle of the field with the Widowmakers in the forest thanks to advanced deployment. I put Stryker and Stormblades to meet up with his force, while the Lancer was put to the left flank. On the opposite side I let my Jr take the Charger around the forest in hope of getting him to split up his force.

Khador - Turn 1

Both Warjacks got a point of focus and ran straight forward. Pikemen just advanced to keep up their shield wall order. Widowmaker advanced a few inches, just enough to be able to shoot the next turn.

Cygnar - Turn 1

Lancer and Charger each got a single focus and ran. Ironclad moved up along with the Stormblades. Black 13th moved through the forest and the Journeyman followed the Charger a bit. Stryker followed the Ironclad and cast Arcane Shield on it and tried to kill the Widowmakers with Arcane Blast but failed. The big mistake here was that I forgot to move my Squire as you're about to see. Yeah, I forgot... I also cast Arcane Shield on the Stormblades with the Journeyman.

Khador - Turn 2

Destroyer got 2 focus and Black Ivan got 1. Iron Fang pikemen advanced and used their order: Iron Zeal. The Destroyer shot at the Charger and caused 5 boxes of damage to it. Black Ivan shot at the Stormblades, but a deviation caused the hit to reach the Squire, and he rolled just enough to kill it. First blood to Khador.

Cygnar - Turn 2

I only kept  Arcane Shield on the Ironclad (with Stryker). The Journeyman gave his three focus to the Charger who moved up and shot two times at the Destroyer causing about five or seven boxes. The B13 all shot at the Destroyer with brutal shots, but not a single wound was made. Stormblades advanced, same for Ironclad and Lancer. Stryker cast Earthquake at Black Ivan and knocked him down. I was supposed to feat this turn but I forgot.

Khador - Turn 3

Harkevich cast Broadside on his Jacks before he moved in to the forest. Both his Jacks shot at Stryker and caused 6 wounds in total. The Pikemen charged both the Lancer and Ironclad. The Lancer was unharmed but thanks to Precision Strike he destroyed the left arm (hammer) on my Ironclad. The Widowmakers came out of the forest and killed two Stormblades.

Cygnar - Turn 3

Dropped Arcane Shield from the Ironclad and gave 2 focus to the Lancer and 1 to the Ironclad. I tried to cast Earthquake at the Destroyer but missed, a lucky deviation did however cause both his Warjacks to fall over. The Charger once again got three focus and took 2 boosted shots at the Destroyer causing some more wounds, still not enough to cripple any systems. The B13 came out of the forest and shot some more brutal shots at the knocked down Destroyer causing about 2-3 more wounds. The Lancer and Ironclad did not roll very good in the melee, I only killed 2 even after spending 3 focus on extra attacks. The Stormblades joined the fight killing another 2 Pikemen.

Khador - Turn 4

Harkevich cast Jumpstart and Escort on his jacks and used his feat. His Destroyer charged my Charger but missed with every attack. Black Ivan charged the Stormblades and killed 2. The remaining Pikemen killed another Stormblade and did some more damage to the Ironclad. The Widomakers moved up and killed Watts from the B13.

Cygnar - Turn 4 

Stryker kept all focus for himself this time and the Journeyman gave 3 to the Charger. B13 killed three of the Widowmakers. The Charger got two really good hits on the Destroyers and crippled his axe. The Lancer killed a Pikeman but the Ironclad didn't. The last Stormblade killed a Pikeman, and finally Stryker moved into combat killing another Pikeman before casting Arcane Shield on himself and used his feat for some insane armor boost.

Khador - Turn 5

Harkevich gave 3 focus to Black Ivan and cast some spell (I don't remember which one) and moved away from the forest. Black Ivan dodged out of combat and shot Ryan in the head with his cannon. The last Widomaker missed his/her shot at Lynch. The Pikeman standard bearer moved in to block Stryker. The Destroyer tried to disengage to be able to shoot at the Charger, the free strike did however crippled his cannon.

Cygnar - Turn 5

Stryker gave a focus to the Lancer who ran up towards Harkevich. Lynch moved up and took a brutal shot against Harkevich causing a few wounds. Charger once again got 3 focus and moved to get a clear shot against Harkevich, 2 boosted shots later and he was dead.


The big mistake was of course to forget my to move my Squire, and forgetting to use my feat before getting charged in the face by the Pikemen. I don't really know if I did any other major mistake. Charger/Jr and B13 can really hold a flank by their own and be a real threat to my opponent. So far this force have proven it's worth time and time again. I really look forward to expand in both points and caster.

There are more people in my town that are picking up WarmaHordes. So maybe next time I can play against  something other than Khador and Cryx.

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